Monday, July 4, 2011

Avril Lavigne Baby Triangle

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  • praveenuppaluri
    11-17 04:23 PM
    sent emails.. will post the letters also. Thanks

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  • Avril Lavigne#39;s I Love You

  • calboy78
    08-18 11:33 PM
    Again folks! please think hard, what can be done ???? (other than filling lawsuits)

    Just throwing ideas (may or may not work..need to brainstorm):
    Write letters to Ombudsman, USCIS, DHS, Senators. Keep writing until they listen

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  • snathan
    02-10 10:30 AM
    Grand Total - $919

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.

    IV is I/WE.


    Come on guys...its only $81 to cross $1000

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  • Avril Lavigne is 25,

  • belmontboy
    09-10 08:05 PM
    YOu are a USELESS fellow. Who gave you even the right to write here and put your views when you cannot even can consider it trustworthy to donate 2 cents.

    Since when did this section become donor's only??? You don't need any rights to participate in a discussion in general section. There is Donor forum already, where you "Pay to See, Say".

    A senior member like you should practice restraint and choose words wisely.


    Avril Lavigne Baby Triangle. Beautiful Avril Lavigne with
  • Beautiful Avril Lavigne with

  • gcformeornot
    01-29 05:54 PM
    in trouble. I am not on H1 but I think the moment you get H1, in this case COS from H4 to H1 within few months you should have paying job. There will be problem at time of extension if no paystubs are present. Bench or not employer need to Pay H1b if he has hired one.

    Avril Lavigne Baby Triangle. Lavigne filed for divorce from
  • Lavigne filed for divorce from

  • sweet_jungle
    11-07 12:17 PM
    Hello All,

    Also, can the person who wrote to the obudsman post the e-mail address and format of what he/she wrote? This would make it easier for those of us who would also like to send an e-mail.


    i am pasting the format. just higlight the receipt date in all cases. no need of metioning notice dat. it should not be counted at all.

    Dear Mr. Prakash ,

    My name is xxxxxx and I am currently working at xxxxx as xxxx.

    My I-485 was filed on July 2,2007 as an employment based application. My wife, xxxxxx, application was filed as a derivative applicant. It has been over 4 months and I have not yet got an apointment for finger printing. I called up USCIS and got a response from Nebraska Service center, where my application is currently pending, that my case is waiting for an opening at local ASC.

    We, residents of Bay Area, are suffering a lot from fingerprinting backlog, due to presence of few ASCs.
    Also, my case was receipted at CSC and transferred back to NSC. Such cases are taking unusually longer for FP appointments. This is quite frustrating as there are other people directly receipted at NSC in August who have got fingerpinting.

    I would greatly appreciate if you could take steps to speed up the process of fingerpinting appointments.

    My details:


    My wife's details:


    Thanks a lot for your time


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  • me away avril lavigne.

  • psaxena
    09-10 07:41 PM
    Simple thing, I don't comment all the bull that goes on , on the open forum, discussing Vonage to anything, who cares. Put up the opinions no problem. But there has to be a limit on how and what are you putting up.
    Despite IV doing so much for the community, the post from gvenkat, jyoti and including yours and lot others (guys you know whom I am talking about) actually demotivate the group and this way you contribute to IV but all NEGATI VE When I see this type shit I just cannot stop myself and I think would be a shame on myself if I do so.

    Also , one time donation are not helping. IV needs more donations, more volunteers. Come on join in, everything is flexible here for volunteers, so please contribute and donate.IV core has got it to this point with least support and proved that yes it can be done now what else do you what IV to prove. After this still you are looking for something for them to prove. then its nothing to prove all BS excuses for not being the part of it.
    If that is the case , then who cares about ones opinion???

    I don't usually comment on such posts and I have seen a lot of people take the side I am about to take. I just think you are being unnecessarily rude. It is these people and their opinions that cause IV to exist as a group. Lets say you are going to lock membership only to people paying a membership fee every month. How big a group are you going to get?

    If it is going to be significant, then maybe that's the way IV should go and should just shut down public forums where there are members who can talk and members who have "not bought their right to talk"

    I bring up the "monthly membership" issue because I did make donations on multiple occasions (you should probably look up your records and verify). And yet, under the new design, I am not a donor, I do not get access to the exclusive threads that only the privileged monthly members do. So, just like the OP, I am a thankless member who thinks the group is thankless. So, I do not know what initiatives IV has taken, but yet, I linger around the forums because it has so many smart people throwing around ideas, working on theories and just being friendly.

    Maybe you should just create a little forum of yours in one corner and put walls around so no one can come in and make suggestions about things you won't tell them about. Does it take that much effort to be nice to someone? Just remember that he is free to tell you what to do irrespective of who he is. What you actually do is upto you. Just be nice for a change, it will make you get a whole new perspective on life!

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  • joins Avril Lavigne at the

  • sledge_hammer
    01-30 01:29 PM
    The problem with him and many others including me is people like the OP, and in case you are also one of them, then we all have a problem with people like YOU!!!!!

    He never claimed his wife was better than the OP. All he is saying is that his wife HAD a job, which is the minimum requirement to apply for an H-1B. He never said that converting from H4 to H1 is illegal!

    Your coment that everyone is trying to improve their life is so simplistic and moronic. No one is denying you or the OP theright to improve one's life. Do so ethically!

    How can you simply assume that everyone here came to the US through some bodyshopping company? How did you get your job? Was it through a consulting/bodyshopping company?

    And no, he is not dividing the community. You and people like you think that every immigrant is unethical and it is an accepted behavior!

    Shame on you!!!

    What’s your problem man? You are mad because your wife did not get H1B/Job? What do you say to a American citizen who is saying that you took his job? It’s all part of the game. Everyone is trying to improve their life.

    How can you tell your wife is better? Your wife is doing exactly the same, converting from H4 to H1B. Did she have job offer when she came to USA? You must have come through some consulting company, what kind of offer letter you had when you came to US?

    Everyone is playing by the rules, otherwise we would not have been here. dont think you are the only one playing by the rules.
    How can you tell he/she is representation false?

    People like you are the ones who are dividing the community.


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    11-18 09:11 AM

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  • ArunAntonio
    07-09 07:12 PM
    I send emails to every one on the above list.


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  • chanduv23
    07-08 09:56 AM
    There are laws in place, already, for discrimination against applicant having proper work authorization.

    If the affected person does not report or take action, then nothing will happen. It is high time that "highly skilled workers" aware of their rights. Sanju mentioned a term "educated illiterates" for such reasons.

    Many consulting companies do not pay salary on bench. If the employee does not report to DoL, will he/she get his/her salary? No. The issue of discrimination is on the similar lines.

    There is no requirement for employer to consider any applicant who is on H-1B visa status. It is entirely voluntary and upto the employer whether to sponsor H1 visa or not. Same thing holds good for sponsoring green card as well.

    Not a legal advice.

    desi - the reason we face all these issues is not because of anyone's fault.
    Reporting an employer is not as easy as it sounds.
    The most educated and experienced people have always recommended to "protect yourself" - look for yourself and keep out of trouble.
    The issue here is - people in this situation are mere scapegoats - a common man who approaches beaucracy has to deal with crap that is worse.

    The entire process of immigrating to US via a employment based system is so loosely organized and puts people in unfair situations.

    It is just not desi employers or consulting companies, in general, but any employer can have an upper hand on you when you are at their mercy.

    People say big companies have policies and they abide. I agree, but it is not always the case. If someone is in business - they do things in their business interest - if dealing with USCIS is getting difficult - they may say "enough of it - no more responding to RFEs".

    One person contacted me - he is having a fulltime job and filed for AC21. he got RFE for EVL 2 times. The first time his HR gave EVL without any hasstles, the second time she was pissed, said "We do not want to deal with this - I have contacted legal and they recommend not to issue such letters".

    Now such a situation puts this person in a tough spot -the issue is not because of his employer because his employer did give a proper letter but USCIS asked it again.

    Just imagine what is this person's situation for no fault of his?

    We can always argue that "If you are worth and if company wants to retain you then they will not have any issues" - which once again may not always be true because we all know how relationships work out at companies - with ass kissing, nepotism, situations, financial etc......

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  • HumHongeKamiyab
    12-13 03:03 PM
    Do we have anyone here who opened a SR for FP and has received FP notice ? Does it really help if you open SR for FP?



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  • tonyHK12
    02-24 02:22 PM
    I have received the news letter and it is pretty neat. But you know, many people are busy. So my suggestion was to send out another simple version with only the Advocacy day link with a request for contribution.

    Will check with StarSun. maybe a weekly mail with our funding status

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  • Jaime
    06-26 05:10 PM
    For your Information India's GDP is 3 trillion USD compare to Mexico 1 trillion USD. Taking into account GDP of EU India ranks 5th in GDP higher than any indivisual European nation where as Mexico ranks 13th. This is as per CIA worldfactbook. So where did you get the number
    "Mexico's GDP is essentially equal to India's (India = 775,410, Mexico=768,437). "
    Hmmn did I forget you are an MBA from Mexico ?

    (What would happen if India shared a land border with the U.S.A. - One can only imagine! Instead of 7 million illegal Mexicans, we would have 400 million illegal Indians here!)
    Lets get this thing straight buddy without shadow of any doubt there are more Mexican than Indian in USA. But what about the number of doctors, computer scientist, economist, professors of reputable Universities, physcisist of Indian origin compare to Mexican origin.

    I will ignore your familiarity in calling me your "buddy". Find something constructive to say in regards to our IV goals instead of attacking. To begin with, this is not the place for me to explain to you the details of difference between Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) GDP (that you quote) and the market exchange rate GDP which I quoted. But since you raised the subject, PPP GDP is adjusted to accomodate for different inflation and consumption rates in different countries. Without the PPT adjustment, India's GDP is equal to Mexico's, even though India has 11 times the population of Mexico. The reason India comes in 4th with the PPP adjustment in the world is because the ruppee is undervalued and Indians have a purchasing power that is 4 times smaller than Mexicans. So, to humor you and use your method of calculation, the Per Capita GDP (PPP) Of India is $3,344 in 2006 and Mexico's is $12,886. "Where are all the Mexican doctores, computer scientists, economists and professors?" you ask. The answer is: They are IN MEXICO making huge salaries, when the Indian ones have to come here because their salaries in India don't give them enough money to eat. Why aren't all the construction workers and lawn workers in the U.S. Indian? Because they cannot affor the airfare. The Mexicans just walk accross the border. Any you know what? All those Indian Professors at Harvard etc are teaching class to all those rich Mexican kids. Get your facts straight before you confront me and make fun of my MBA (which I got in the U.S. incidentally, not Mexico, but if I had wanted I could have gotten a top 20 MBA back home). I just recated to people's racist attacks here. So now, if you have anything to contribute to our IV common cause, welcome! If all you are about is attacking other forum members then please leave and do not come back. Thanks.


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  • jguharaman
    11-21 09:20 AM

    This was the most shocking thread I've read.

    Please read this...

    I recently personally heard of a person who was cured from a chronic cancer because of Pranayama.

    I'm passing you the email of the instructor who I know in Bangalore through a private message to you

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  • chandarc
    07-21 08:31 PM
    Yes, Please share the template.


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  • Roger Binny
    05-09 09:15 PM
    Yup, kshitijnt you are right on target, we need to do some thing constructive and let our voices heard.

    BECSufferer made it right your anger.

    My intention was more to think in right way and discourage potential -ve result bound strategies.

    During presidential campaign there were all over promises on clearing backlogs, we can go on that basis and make a point of that.

    One thing is clear if they like to stop outsourcing sure they have to encourage and stream line legal immigration they cannot stop or survive but cutting outsourcing as well leaving this legal immigration in limbo.

    Besides what we can do at this juncture, keep our voices heard by contacting, writing letters.

    1. In a world leading country processing a decade back applications is not an encouraging trend to legal immigration, this may send a wrong signal to legal immigration over illegal immigration.

    2. Can highlight ecomonic point based on these math...
    Ex: 500,000 EB backlog persons contribution to the country, social taxes = xxx, medicare = xxx, travel=xxx, housing =xxx.

    Will add more.....

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  • ski_dude12
    08-20 12:40 PM
    My words exactly...

    He should be happy that his case is atleast being looked at unlike others who really have no clue when it will be picked up.

    Dude, what makes you feel better? let me try, my case pd is Mar 18th 2005, RD july 2nd 2007 and ND July 28th 2007.
    It is assigned to officer on 28th June, no issues with case, all are in place like name check, background check, finger prints valid till next year, officer touched my case on july 12th and 28th, no RFE sent so far as per IO and don't know why it is still sitting on officers desk. I did everything SR, 2 infopass, senators, congresswomen, Ombudsman, NSC follow up emails, SCOPSSCATTA email, nothing worked so far.

    I think you will leave the boat before me, good luck.

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  • PDOCT05
    10-16 05:12 PM
    i called uscis and they gave me the rns for ead and 485. but not for ap. they didn't provide any rns for my spouse as not present in the call. checked the money orders at was not cashed yet....anyone similar!:confused:

    We had similar son checks were not cashed. Called USCIS and got RN.But the case is rejected...waiting for actual notice to resubmit.

    08-26 07:50 AM
    May be not true, my case assgined to officer on june 29th and no news yet. But I wish Ski_dude12 good luck.

    in my case iwas exactly 3 weeks.
    Someone else mentioned on this forum that the officer will clear all the cases assigned to him/her within 30 days.

    02-04 10:42 PM
    I landed in June 2006 in Toronto. If anybody needs information please feel free to ask.


    I am planning to do landing in Canada in the next couple of weeks. Anyone want to join me or willing to share information and knowledge? I am thinking of going to Toronto. Please send me a private message.


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