Saturday, July 2, 2011

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  • Vishal2007
    11-21 12:18 PM
    Sorry to hear about this Mehul, I pray GOD to give confident and strength to fight and comeout with success, I don't know option you have in GC (it is a crap)
    but Logiclife option is really good ( my 9 years experience in this country) and also try yoga.

    wish to you and your family

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  • desi3933
    07-09 12:24 PM
    Section 245.1 (g)

    (g) Availability of immigrant visas under section 245 and priority dates—(1) Availability of immigrant visas under section
    245. An alien is ineligible for the benefits of section 245 of the Act unless an immigrant visa is immediately available to him or her at the time the application is filed. If the applicant is a preference alien, the current Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs Visa Bulletin will be consulted to determine whether an immigrant visa is immediately available. An immigrant visa is considered available for accepting and processing the application Form I–485 if the preference category applicant has a priority date on the waiting list which is earlier than the date shown in the Bulletin (or the Bulletin shows that numbers for visa applicants in his or her category are current), and (if the applicant is seeking status pursuant to section 203(b) of the Act) the applicant presents evidence that the appropriate petition filed on his or her behalf has been approved. An immigrant visa is also considered immediately available if the applicant establishes eligibility for the benefits of Public Law 101–238. Information concerning the immediate availability of an immigrant visa may be obtained at any Service office.

    [Emphasis added for clarity]

    Not a legal advice.[/QUOTE]

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  • kg318
    04-23 02:35 PM
    hi all,

    Thanks a lot for all ur suggestions and support. As of now, nothing is moving on in my issue. The last correpondence with the employer was only when i sent mail asking for my money and got reply saying that they will contact their attorney to see what legal action they can take using non compete agreement. But till today, its calm and they are not replying to any of my mails or calls. I feel like its just a mail to scare me......took an appointment with attorney to discuss this and be geared up for action........

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  • godspeed
    07-24 03:11 PM
    Same here:
    Service Center : TSC
    File type : Paper Based
    Filed : May 29th
    No update since then:
    EAD Expires 09/08.

    Started to get worried!!! Hoping to get the cards in two weeks else will ask lawyer to look into the matter (Don't know what they can do in this situation)

    you are aware that you can get temporary ead issued from local uscis office if its taking more than 90 days for ead to arrive?


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  • maverick_joe
    05-02 11:41 AM
    I just gave you one! can you please return the favor? :)
    talking abt red and green my friend reddymjm got totally pissed by my previous post and gave me red..loser!

    Why arent you tempted to give me green though :)

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  • z029556
    09-27 02:14 PM
    Hi Guys,

    My application was sent on Aug 7th reached USCIS (NSC)on Aug 8th. Recieved my reciept # on Sep 24 from lawyer. But my wife hasn't recieved the RN. Was wondering if any one are in the same boat.



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  • naidu
    11-17 03:13 PM

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  • snathan
    02-09 12:07 PM

    Unique Transaction ID #5G807044SR6324537)

    Guys....its only $20. Please consider to donate ASAP.


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  • ArkBird
    09-09 08:54 PM
    It's more like 500K and on the plus side you get your own business! :)


    Is it not true that you would need to invest 1 million or so to get the GC ?, i am EB 2 with PD July 09 (not approved yet), my options are, a) go back b) go back c) go back , so i guess we will wait for this CIR, if it does not pass, and if I am still here, then I am outta here :cool:

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  • nogc_noproblem
    02-23 12:29 AM
    On the lighter note, this may not applicable to humans and mammals, egg broken from outside (but this happens inside the body) still brings in new life. :)

    I read this as a status message of a CEO sometime back on linkedin:

    An egg, when broken from inside, brings in new life but if broken from outside, kills it.

    Please, don't let the immigration process break you. Join IV (and us) and fight it...until we break it for a better change.


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  • gcnotfiledyet
    02-26 10:49 AM
    This is what i understand and i might be wrong, and this is specifically from my perspective and i am not representing IV.

    For a legal immigrant who has been here for the last 9 years, following the law from day 1, i don't see any hope except IV. I understand this is a political issue, and everything happens on the back-end. There is no time table or time line which can be promised by anyone, because this is all politics. Even anti-immigrants don't do anything everyday. They lobby in the background and try to stop any kind of relief, if any being given to us. They still collect a lot of money. They are also only active when there is something on the table and same goes with IV. Everything goes in the background and when there is something positive they come out and request the community to work on an action item, which in the ends gets a very poor response and undermines all their hard work. IV has an agenda and sticks with it. They have lobbying firms who work on the lines of that agenda. I don't think anybody can promise a time line or timetable regarding anything. They are working on an agenda and trying to get relief for all of us. They can't come out openly every day and say we are working on this and that.

    I believe in trying and by supporting IV, i am doing that. If no body is going to fight for us (Legal Immigrants), then we can't expect any relief or i will say not even dream of anything good for us. No one is going to address our plight till the time we fight for it. Ask your friends what have they done till today? If they think giving $1000, can buy themselves a Green Card(so called independence) then i am ready to give them $1500 and will request them to do it for me also and i am sure i can find many fellow IV'ans who can also give them $1500. Its very easy to question someones hard work, but when they will be asked to do something, you wont find them anywhere. Every time they will have some reasons not to contribute or do anything. If they join IV, they are not doing anything good, till the time they don't participate in any activities or action items. If they think sitting and waiting for Visa Bulletins and Processing Dates is the best way to go, then there is no way anyone can help them.

    Nobody came to convince me, that IV will get me out of this pain. I understand the problem, which is right in front of everyone and i only see IV as the one and only one organization working to get us some relief. I have met the Core group and i know how dedicated and honest they are. During the rally they were in DC for weeks getting everything worked on, only so that our problem can be highlighted and heard. IV Core spends a lot of time in Washington DC lobbying for our cause. They spend money out of their own pockets. They have families and they end up spending time away from them. Why???? Because they want relief and get our problem sorted. I really salute and appreciate their efforts and the hard work they have put in to come so far.

    But we as legal immigrants always end up questioning someones efforts? These questions need to answered by us. If your friends think there life is good and things will fall in place, its fine and they can stay away and go on with their lives as it is going on. But tell them not to criticize and question anybody's hard work and honesty.

    At least they can do us a favor, by not questioning what IV does? Rest regarding the funds, IV is a non-profit organization, and the tax returns are available online and can be viewed by anyone.

    Rest i hope they wake up and realize that by helping IV they are helping themselves and their families.

    I tried my best to explain how i understand IV. If i offended someone i am really sorry about it.

    I am proud to be associated with IV. At least in the end i will be happy to say that i tried for my independence.


    Very well written. We need this kind of language material to present to our friends. You got my contribution. How do I donate $20? I don't see tab for that money on page. Minimum for one time contribution I see is $100. Also is there any way that I do not have to use paypal and directly use my cc to pay?

    Also not all of us are as good in writing or speaking the same language. I am glad you understand the pains of IV core but unfortunately all of us have not gone through the same things as you have. So we surely need some convincing on part of IV. This post I see is right step. I need some more info to present to my friends, as to why they should contribute. That would be perfect.

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  • va_il
    05-02 12:29 PM
    mrajatish is right.

    Also, if you have an advanced degree from an acredited university outside US AND have been working for 3 years in a related field, you will also be exempt from the cap regardless of whether you are applying/have applied in EB2 or EB3 (believe would think that people with advanced degrees would have applied in EB2...but there are cases where people have had to apply in EB3 category even with an advanced degree).

    I am not sure about that. Most of the EB3 guys have advance degrees (including me) but not necessarily with US degrees.


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  • dreamworld
    12-13 04:42 PM
    I am July Filer too I have not received evn a single receipt for anything. I called USCIS they said it is taking from 90 to 120 days so wait and call.

    I had long dely in gettting my 485/EAD/AP receipts from USCIS and I wrote to my local congressman. It really worked and got the receipt numbers from congressman office.

    Try to write to your local congressman and explain your situation in one page and give them your package tracking information.

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  • amitjoey
    11-17 03:48 PM
    Lets do this. Please get involved. Please post if you have already sent this email, that will be encouraging for others to do it. Also, We can build a strong momentum if this thread immediately starts running into 100's of pages.


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  • gxtrader
    09-06 01:10 AM
    Anybody from August filers who got his/her Receipts already?

    My Aug 1 filer friend got his already....

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  • pappu
    12-11 10:41 AM
    I am a physician working in underserved areas in MN. I am greatly appreciated
    in my community. I regularly get invited to Christmas parties by local congressmen. I never attend those due to my family obligations. However, this year I will attend and educate my congressmen as much as I can.

    I am sure there are lot of physicians, like me affected by retrogression. Eventhough we live in remote areas, we can do whtever we can.

    I am also willing to join in MN local chapter of IV. Any MN members kindly send me PM.

    pls post your note on the Mn local state chapter thread and get in touch with other members.
    we have several physicians as IV members. We do want to bring in several more. Help IV by getting morefrom your profession. thanks


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  • zoooom
    07-20 11:42 AM
    pledging $100
    Thanks a lot...will let you know once all the details are known.

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  • vnsriv
    11-21 09:44 AM
    I am sitting here in front of my laptop for 10 minutes, still I don't know what to say.
    I am really sorry to hear your condition. I am not sure of any clause for a situation like this or may be there is.
    I am neither a God to show you a way nor your friend to be next to you and help you hold your spirit high. All I got is a heart to show and give you an unconditional love and support.

    I still cannot breathe after reading this. I juste prayed to God for you. Don't loose your hope. I am sure you are trying or tried all types of cures. I have deep faith in Pranayam/Yoga. I am not sure if you have heard about SWAMI RAMDEV JI. He teaches pranayam and here's link to his forum . Try to meet him if possible. Our best wishes are always with you. May God bless the family.

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  • royus77
    06-27 03:22 PM
    I am really surprised that you guys are contemplating on going against your employer for a employment letter and filing your GC. I mean, how hard is it for you guys to agree to the terms of your employer that you will work till you get your GC and upto 6 months beyond that..

    If you guys came before 2001-2002 and seen how the situation was for green card filers you will now what I am talking about..

    1. There was no concurrent filing of I-140/485
    2. There was no premium processing for Labor
    3. There was no premium processing for I-140
    4. There was no AC-21, so there is no way of switching jobs..

    Still it used to take 4-5 years to get a GC.

    And you guys are complaining about your employer because you worked for 1-2 years and you want to quit as soon as you get EAD..

    Just imagine what would have happened if the dates were not CURRENT.. How many more years you would have worked, cursing USCIS

    Your greed will ruin you in future, just like you are cursing your employer's greed..

    You have to change with the time .For good or Bad there are some laws which are favaourable to us just use them

    Also, before you curse your employer, it was you who joined the company and you had many months to find out what kind of employer you have and it quit the company long time back.. You could have switched to different company long time back..

    I agree with you on this point

    11-07 06:28 PM
    What's the customer service number and the menu to talk to one of the customer service reprasentative.
    I have called the the number 800-375-5283 and confused to select the menu.

    Can you please help me in this?



    04-08 01:01 PM
    I did my landing this weekend.
    Every thing went smooth both on US and Canadian side.

    I was not asked any questions.
    Just wanted to let everyone know.


    Did you used AP while coming back?

    From Which port you enetered back in US?


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