Saturday, July 2, 2011

Peace And Love Hostel Paris

images Aloha Hostel Peace And Love Hostel Paris. Mouffetard, 75005 Paris,
  • Mouffetard, 75005 Paris,

  • mchatrvd
    08-26 03:55 PM
    I will also suggest guys waiting with their PD current to write to the USCIS Director in DC. I did that; not sure if that worked in my case, but one needs to explore every way of bringing their case to the attention of the management.

    wallpaper Mouffetard, 75005 Paris, Peace And Love Hostel Paris. Le Village Hostel
  • Le Village Hostel

  • aquarianf
    04-25 10:39 AM
    It high time that these guys get kicked on what ever, I have seen so many of my friends frustated due to non payment and get scarred to do anything against it..... I appreciate your courage , If they do bussiness and employ people they should legally pay, So many poeple come from India with kids and family and suffer so much when they are not getting paid on bench...I can only sympathise with their situation , Shame on such bussiness...BLOOD SUCKERS, MANIACS . I would say USCIS should create a law to punish these blood sucking monsters.
    Training, H1b ...etc takes money what he not stupid(desi employer) to do it for free , He makes altleast 10 times of what he spends in just 6 months when the candidate is on project.

    I am sure I am going to get a lot of negative feedback for posting this in from hiding desi employers

    I agree with some of your points but you are not helping on anything here by appreciating OP's courage. If OP gets into law suite and if it requires lots of money would you be willing to donate some money to fight law suite because it will not only help OP but it will scare such shameless employer that there people out there in community who are willing to help if they do something wrong with employees.

    I agree with you that such employer should be punished but it is more important to create awareness about their practice specially among people who just come from India and then get into trap of such employers. But many people do so even after knowing the facts about desi employers. Every thing has risks and rewards, and many people know risks but they get into it for rewards.

    It seems that INS is very serious about holding back wages issue I think first thing people do is to file complaint with INS. See my previous post on this.

    Peace And Love Hostel Paris. Summer time is approaching
  • Summer time is approaching

  • sam2006
    08-23 01:44 PM application was received by NSC on July 2nd too, and I haven't received anything yet..hope i will get it sometime are all the applications that went to NSC on July2nd are getting transfered to TSC ??

    I guess only for 140 approved in TSC are getting transfered to TSC

    2011 Le Village Hostel Peace And Love Hostel Paris. hostel in paris
  • hostel in paris

  • pbuckeye
    11-17 05:06 PM

    Message sent to:

    Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
    Senator George V. Voinovich (R-OH)
    Representative Patrick J. Tiberi (R-OH 12th)

    I think the Republicans on that list are somewhat supportive anyway.


    Peace And Love Hostel Paris. Plug-Inn Hostel
  • Plug-Inn Hostel

  • CADude
    08-14 02:58 PM
    I think you will OK. Please wait couple of more days. :) TSC is slow in receipting...

    My application was mailed on June 25th to TSC and picked up by TSC IO on June 28th . The new weekly processing update states processing/receipting completed till june 28th. But they still haven't cashed my check or issued any receipt ? When I called the 800 number to ask them regarding my application they first told me to wait for 15 days ,then 45 days and now 90 days. Whats the point of issuing weekly update if USCIS itself is not following it,it is creating more anxiety then doing any good.

    I am wondering what if they misplaced/lost my application, will they accept resubmitting a new I485 petition after Aug17th based on Fedex signature conformation receipt signed by an IO, of previously filed petition??:confused:

    Peace And Love Hostel Paris. Peace amp; Love
  • Peace amp; Love

  • vbkris77
    09-24 09:08 AM
    By law the job should be in different company. However many desi employers are having two or more sister companies. They get it applied under another sister company's name.

    Had it been a different company too this porting of date for B (my example above) is not justified. Because when B had originally applied he did not have the EB2 qualification/experience. He gained it later, so he should not be allowed to use the original date for EB2. The law should be the new perm date for the EB2 should be the priority date.

    The porting of date should only be allowed in same category, if someone changes a job after 180days of 485 and remains in same category.

    EB2 I applicants should point this out. I know many of my friends have started sending out memo to USCIS.. But to take any adminstrative measure more people need to follow or contact USCIS.

    Else it is your fate.. you know better what to do...

    It is legal per INA to do that.. So your letters and your friends letters are just gutted in the trash right away.. :p


    Peace And Love Hostel Paris. Youth hostel friends photo
  • Youth hostel friends photo

  • desi3933
    08-08 11:42 AM
    I got an email today from USCIS stating this
    Current Status: Card production ordered.

    I did not receive any other approval notice. I hope this means that our 485 is approved and the cards have been ordered ?

    My PD Is May 2003


    Welcome to the club!

    N-400 Oath Date on Aug 19th

    2010 Summer time is approaching Peace And Love Hostel Paris. Aloha Hostel
  • Aloha Hostel

  • abq_gc
    08-18 03:29 PM

    I agree with you on the fact that this is extremely frustrating. Believe me I can feel your pain. However all I am saying is, put your faith in the IV core for a more long term solution, where ALL EB categories benefit. This is a **NOT** a quick strike mission as we have seen for the past 4 years or more. The system is HORRIBLY broken. You cant try and put a bandaid on a foot long laceration. I am sure the idea of a quick fix appeals to a lot of people and I dont blame them either. Everyone on here wants to get their GC and get this mess over with.

    I have full faith in the IV core and I know they are working on it as we speak... but Eb3_Nepa we cannot let our guard down against USCIS and I know very well that this is a long term mission.. but we can still do some quick strikes and weaken the enemy before the kill... or would u rather just wait another 3-4 years before the final kill ??
    ( playing too much of the RTS games because of the apparent frustration ..)

    Anyways.. I am with the core and will always support whatever they do, because it will be good for the community as a whole.

    All I am suggesting is to be on their heels.. just like my #$%^&* manager.. to get the work done


    Peace And Love Hostel Paris. Friend#39;s Hostel, Paris, France
  • Friend#39;s Hostel, Paris, France

  • rally
    07-03 08:07 AM

    cost 24.99 to be delivered Friday 7th. Search for F488

    Merchandise Subtotal: $ 24 .99
    Service Charge Subtotal: $ 13 .99
    Discount Subtotal: $ (5 .00)

    Your Order Total: $ 33 .98 All prices are in US dollars

    Message to Emilio

    Thank you for giving us Hope for few hours on July 1st and taking it away. We enjoyed the ride and the pain. Wish you all the best for future Visa Bulletins.

    -- let the campaign begin..

    I will support you guys in this. Imagine Emilio's face when he recieves 50 (could be more)bouquets in a day

    hair hostel in paris Peace And Love Hostel Paris. Hostel in Europe
  • Hostel in Europe

  • xyzgc
    02-01 08:35 AM
    Finally we have decided to go back to India for good. I filed my EB3 in May 2003. Its going to be another 4 years to get the green card. When I went to India for vacation last December, we liked it over there & the economy is booming. There are all sorts of discussion regarding the Economic Gap/Politics/Corruption/Cleanliness. But we like it over there. Finally I will have an option to do something interesting. In US I was very much dependent on my monthly pay check and afraid to take even the slightest risk. I am also scared to use the AC21(Hey, thats the way I am). I am working with the same company for last 10 years, kinda stagnant in the last 4 years. In India, there are lots of choices, either to work for a sw company or start some business on my own. I think I will take the business route.

    May be I can go there, earn well, send my son to US for college, do green card through him & come retire in US!!!

    Good Luck to everybody!!

    Good decision. I was opposed to going back but I think its good to do just that. You see lot of folks going back after getting their citizenship.


    Peace And Love Hostel Paris. Liked — Leaving the hostel,
  • Liked — Leaving the hostel,

  • Mahatma
    12-20 03:05 PM
    Never make anything a weakness....thats when you will feel you have everything to lose if you don't get it.

    This is one of the very wise and rational answers that I liked. It comprehends the truth of life!

    hot Plug-Inn Hostel Peace And Love Hostel Paris. Friend#39;s Hostel, Paris, France
  • Friend#39;s Hostel, Paris, France

  • Lasantha
    02-06 10:46 AM
    If you use AP you enter the US as a "parolee". (Is that how you spell it?).
    If you use AVR I believe you enter as an H1B. I would prefer to enter as an H1B
    since I have not yet used my EAD or AC21.

    Just wondering if anyone on the forum has experience at Ottawa international while returning with either AVR or AP. Also, is there a preference if you have both AVR and AP, what to use to enter back into US? Thanks.


    house Peace and Love, Peace And Love Hostel Paris. family, peace and love.
  • family, peace and love.

  • RandyK
    11-21 02:45 PM

    I don't know what to say, I have been thinking all day about what you may be going through.

    Then I thought of what I would do if I were in your situation... I thought of people like Lance Amstrong and many others who have battled hard and have proven doctors wrong.

    Like many here suggested, get a 2nd or 3rd opinion.

    I hope and pray that you will find that inner determination to fight back.

    We are all behind you!

    tattoo Peace amp; Love Peace And Love Hostel Paris. of peace and love
  • of peace and love

  • sidbee
    07-28 02:35 PM
    The visecral reaction to my thread (not threat!) has only gone to prove my hypothesis - self interest is the ONLY binding factor amongst 'highly skilled' workers

    No one can claim to be 'superior' by virtue of their EB classification and take refuge under the current system by preaching that "it is what it is, you accepted it, so play by it!". What a sudden love fest for a system that you cared to fix not too long ago? So, what changed? The sudden realization that there are a few erudite and vocal EB3 I's that can speak their mind and ask the difficult questions?!

    Willwin is a rare gem that could see the point in my earlier thread ... Others, my post is not 'ugly', it is the reflection that you see when I hold a mirror up to you. Dont like it? Dont blame me.

    Others are scared sh*it that the real deal will be revealed. Just goes to prove that if the current system goes to serve YOUR narrow self interest, you will go to no end to justify it AND defend it... even at the cost of creating deep divides amongst a larger group. Suddenly, your sense of outrage has been channeled against EB3 I's seeking a voice and not against the 'system' that you claimed to care fixing. Nice. A chameleon would be proud to welcome you to the family.

    Dont worry. Sleep easy, no one is going to call Ron or a shrink. I have exposed the duplicity that defines your being ... and you can rest easy knowing that your sense of 'logical reasoning and moral outrage' cannot stand scrutiny on a simple b-board, let alone a court of law ...

    Lets get together to help fix this problem. Let EB3 I's find their voice and make the appeals that they need to. They DO NOT need the approval or outrage of EB2's trying to protect their new found turf. Get the drift?

    Many EB3 I's have waited 5+ years in dead end jobs and possibly single incomes only to see EB2 come hither and walk easy. No jealousy or blame. Just the hard question to those that holler back "dont complaint EB2 was meant to be a higher category" ... want to respond to a "higher calling" ... i.e., holding up your petitions to objective scrutiny not prejudiced by narrow goals?

    After all, one would find that MOST work done by EB2 I's does not really require a Masters degree. Just ask a high school Java whizkid.

    I rest my case and will not waste my time responding to emotional outbursts or getting dragged into the cesspit of poor logic. Got it?


    Very Well Said


    pictures Youth hostel friends photo Peace And Love Hostel Paris. success, peace and love
  • success, peace and love

  • go_getter007
    12-17 12:33 PM
    You may want to focus on (and be thankful for) what you have out of the following:

    1. Good health (which we often take for granted)
    2. US born kids (at least they are citizens, if that's important to you)
    3. US education (a different experience for sure)
    4. Good savings (all said and done, your bank balance is very important no matter where you stay in the world)
    5. Good work experience (this is transferable and more or less ensures a decent future)
    6. Loving/caring family/friends (who will always love you the same and couldn't care less about GC or citizenship)

    This obviously is not a all-inclusive list. You may have your own things to add here. To me, having all these priceless gifts on the one hand and not having a GC on the other is clearly lopsided for you to be happy!

    And after all, we are not "permanent" residents of anywhere, right? :) So, why attach more than necessary importance to a piece of paper during our prime time?


    Been in the US since 1998, have an EB-2 PD of 2001, have played by the rules all along. Still no GC... And, the dates are going back to 2000 from the new year.. I've lost hopes...

    I'm pretty close to getting clinical depression because of this game played by USCIS, Labor Dept, FBI and my own bad luck.

    SKILL bill, OMNIBUS, etc. comes and goes. IV does seem to be doing things to lobby for the community, but let's face one reality. Like a news article said, no one in congress or senate wants to touch immigration even with a long pole until 2009.

    The US has been very good to me (other than the GC part), more than my home country (India) which is why I'm still here.

    Have invested too much of time in this country to just pack up and go. Just curious if any of you feel this way? How do you handle such depressing feelings?

    dresses Friend#39;s Hostel, Paris, France Peace And Love Hostel Paris. Peace amp; Love
  • Peace amp; Love

  • a.j.2048
    03-07 01:50 PM
    The country cap is routinely disregarded for the unskilled EB population when any talk of CIR comes up. Point is to say that it's not unrealistic to ask that it be suspended as a one time event if not permanently. Of course, as with any democracy the reason why the unskilled EB population has more success with this issue comes down to votes and money, so that is something to keep in mind - IV is the wrong forum from where to push this agenda.


    makeup Friend#39;s Hostel, Paris, France Peace And Love Hostel Paris. Peace and Love,
  • Peace and Love,

  • sidbee
    07-28 02:35 PM
    The visecral reaction to my thread (not threat!) has only gone to prove my hypothesis - self interest is the ONLY binding factor amongst 'highly skilled' workers

    No one can claim to be 'superior' by virtue of their EB classification and take refuge under the current system by preaching that "it is what it is, you accepted it, so play by it!". What a sudden love fest for a system that you cared to fix not too long ago? So, what changed? The sudden realization that there are a few erudite and vocal EB3 I's that can speak their mind and ask the difficult questions?!

    Willwin is a rare gem that could see the point in my earlier thread ... Others, my post is not 'ugly', it is the reflection that you see when I hold a mirror up to you. Dont like it? Dont blame me.

    Others are scared sh*it that the real deal will be revealed. Just goes to prove that if the current system goes to serve YOUR narrow self interest, you will go to no end to justify it AND defend it... even at the cost of creating deep divides amongst a larger group. Suddenly, your sense of outrage has been channeled against EB3 I's seeking a voice and not against the 'system' that you claimed to care fixing. Nice. A chameleon would be proud to welcome you to the family.

    Dont worry. Sleep easy, no one is going to call Ron or a shrink. I have exposed the duplicity that defines your being ... and you can rest easy knowing that your sense of 'logical reasoning and moral outrage' cannot stand scrutiny on a simple b-board, let alone a court of law ...

    Lets get together to help fix this problem. Let EB3 I's find their voice and make the appeals that they need to. They DO NOT need the approval or outrage of EB2's trying to protect their new found turf. Get the drift?

    Many EB3 I's have waited 5+ years in dead end jobs and possibly single incomes only to see EB2 come hither and walk easy. No jealousy or blame. Just the hard question to those that holler back "dont complaint EB2 was meant to be a higher category" ... want to respond to a "higher calling" ... i.e., holding up your petitions to objective scrutiny not prejudiced by narrow goals?

    After all, one would find that MOST work done by EB2 I's does not really require a Masters degree. Just ask a high school Java whizkid.

    I rest my case and will not waste my time responding to emotional outbursts or getting dragged into the cesspit of poor logic. Got it?


    Very Well Said

    girlfriend of peace and love Peace And Love Hostel Paris. Paris is
  • Paris is

  • gsc999
    07-08 10:51 PM
    Thanks to the three members for volunteering.

    hairstyles Liked — Leaving the hostel, Peace And Love Hostel Paris. St Christopher#39;s Inn Paris
  • St Christopher#39;s Inn Paris

  • jchan
    08-25 01:08 PM
    I searched and only found few than three cases in the last three months about H1B denial. The number does not seem to be unusually high to me.

    01-30 02:17 PM
    Where is it written???? 30 day rule?????? SHOW ME ...................................


    Why are you shouting? I have posted 30/60 days rule many times on this forum and other popular portal forum.

    Here is one link -
    H-1B - Specialty Occupation Work Visa (

    Here is relevant quote from there
    Employer must pay the H-1B employee the required wage no later than 30 days from the H1 B employee's entry into the U.S., or 60 days from the approval date of the visa petition if the H1 B employee is already in the U.S.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin

    02-05 10:20 AM
    Hi Gene,
    The main two applications you need to file is 1) PR card 2) SIN card.
    No, you cannot file for the PR card online and as far as I know same goes for the SIN card.

    1) The officer will take down your information for the PR card during the landing process. The picture you sent them will be used for this and no need to take new pictures. However you need to give them a Canadian address for them to send you the PR card. They will not accept a US address and no PO boxes. So I suggest that you give a friend's or relatives's address if you plan to return to the US after landing. After your friend receives the PR card he can mail it to you in the US.

    2) During the landing procedure you will receive a packet of documents and it will have information on how to apply for your SIN card. All you need to do is go to one of their offices on a weekday during working hours with your landing papers and fill a form. There too you need to provide a Canadian address.

    In addition to these you must bring with you a list of goods you are bringing with you and a list of goods that will arrive later. This is to be submitted to Canadian customs. Then you must bring bankstatements etc proving that you have the required amount of funds.

    When I landed I had not applied for AOS. So I am not sure what kind of effect the Canadian PR will have when you return to the US. Hope someone who landed after filing 485 would throw some light on that.

    You can return whenver you wish after landing. But you will need some time to file for your SIN card. I landed on a Friday afternoon and came back the following Monday. Why not make a mini vacation of it? I landed in Toronto and it's a great city.

    Hope this helps.

    What documents, applications need to be filled out after we land in Canada; in-terms of applying for the Resident Card, Social Insurance Number etc. I don't even know what else needs to be filled out.

    Can we fill these applications on-line or must be fill them out only after we have landed physically in Canada?

    After landing, how long before we can come back to the USA for resuming our job?

    Thanks Lasantha.

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