Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pretty Girls With Underbites

images I find it pretty amazing what Pretty Girls With Underbites. I#39;ll embrace the underbite in shoosting the fotos by ► ◄
  • I#39;ll embrace the underbite in shoosting the fotos by ► ◄

  • kdprasad
    08-13 08:01 PM
    DId your checks get cashed and receipts issued.
    I heard from a friend,he got a receipt but checks not cashed yet.

    Same with me!!!

    wallpaper I#39;ll embrace the underbite in shoosting the fotos by ► ◄ Pretty Girls With Underbites. Underbite Fixed With Braces
  • Underbite Fixed With Braces

  • SunnySurya
    08-18 02:38 PM
    Thats is true, it is always about me. Want to make it now about "you" ? Then write to ombudsman.
    Who so ever is willing to support SunnySurya read his earlier posts.

    All I can get from his posts is MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC.

    .................................................. ................
    Proud to be an IVian
    Supported all the campaigns so far
    $470 + $50 recurring

    Pretty Girls With Underbites. Class III before
  • Class III before

  • gsthantry
    08-14 01:55 PM
    2 year EAD received

    Applied on 7/7/2008
    Receipt date 7/8/2008
    Card production ordered 8/9/2008
    Approval notice sent 8/11/2008

    Actual card received 8/13/2008.

    Lost 2 months due to renewal date starting 8/8/2008 instead of 10/8/2008

    PD: Mar 2006

    2011 Underbite Fixed With Braces Pretty Girls With Underbites. Underbite Dog by jpwilby
  • Underbite Dog by jpwilby

  • GCwaitforever
    12-12 05:38 PM
    I have an American Lead who interviewed this indian guy over the telephone and he did appear very smart, but when he joined our company he was plain dumb and didnt know anything. Apparently somebody else attended his telephone interview. Talk about breaking FAITH i have built all these years. He doesnt trust Indians anymore. Who is to be blamed here???

    Indians have bunch of these tricks up their sleeves. Some are paid to take these interviews. Either the interviewer should rely on certification programs or employ voice recogntion and video conferencing to fish out these duds.

    Coming to the SKIL bill and Sen. Sessions, I am mailing my story to him at Hopefully, he will come around and support immigration reform.

    Dear Senator Sessions,

    I am a legal immigrant living in this country from 1995. I have been paying income taxes dutifully and contributed to the American Economy all these years. I paid Social Security and Medicare taxes, and as part of the bargain, I am eligible for Social Security payments when I retire. I own a house in this country and I am married.

    I came to know that you put a hold on SKIL bill in the Senate as you have not received any feedback from legal immigrants. This is in response to your hold.

    I applied for Greencard in May 2002. I have two Masters degrees and over eight years of leadership experience in the IT field in Fortune 100 companies. I have about thirteen years of experience in the IT industry. You would have expected that I should have the Greencard in my hand by now. That is not the case unfortunately.

    My case is languishing in the labor certification stage at Philadelphia backlog Elimination Center for the past two years. Labor certification is the first stage in the Greencard processing. I am into my 7th year H-1B extension now and I have to renew my VISA every year.

    My wife is a structural Engineer who had to put her career on hold, because she can not work until my Greencard petition moves forward. My wife has a Masters degree in Structural Engineering. We hear in papers that Alabama is short of Engineers. Why not improve efficiency at USCIS and use available workforce in the US?

    Legal immigration reform is essential to alleviate the pain and suffering borne out by legal immigrants in unending waits for the relief.

    I am expecting my Greencard petition to arrive only in another four years.

    Some of the anti-immigrants complain that more immigration pollutes the cities and chokes the cities. This is a falsehood propagated by them. My wife and I are living in this country as we speak. Granting us faster immigration relief does not increase population, rather it changes our status only - from hung upside down to standing straight.

    I request you to support EB immigration reform bills in Senate in the future and show us some light. The focus should be on how quickly America can assimilate legal immigrants by making the process easier. I am sure you would come hard on USCIS to process immigrant petitions efficiently.

    Some of the key provisions which would need your support are ...

    1. Recapturing VISA numbers from past years, which were left unused as USCIS never processed the full annual quota of immigration petitions in a timely manner, thus letting them expire.

    2. Allowing EB immigrants to apply for three year work permits instead of one year work permits which they have to renew every year. This lets us renew our drivers licenses also every three years instead of every one year.

    3. Forcing FBI to completing fingure print checks and background checks in a timely fashion instead of current waits which stretch to three years or more.

    4. Processing labor certifications in the backlog elimination centers by September 2007 as promised to Congress in the past.

    5. Ability to file for I-485 petition, even when the priority is not current. This would help lots of people in the retrogressed categories of immigration.

    Thanks a lot for your time in reading in this lengthy post. I hope you see the suffering of EB immigrants and support immigration reform in the future.


    Pretty Girls With Underbites. bite, Crossbite, Underbite
  • bite, Crossbite, Underbite

  • krishnam70
    07-11 07:02 PM
    Are you a journalist by any chance? :D

    As i mentioned in the thread Gandhigiri in one of my first posts to support the flower campaign idea.. Rosa parks was the inspiration for MLK in this country for the civil disobedience This is very similar to how Gandhiji got the idea of Satyagraha from - guess who? Kasturba Gandhi.

    We need to carry on more things like this in a non-violent way at grassroots level to increase the visibility. Imagine what Gandhiji did in the 1940's with the entire media controlled by the Brits and with no other medium of communication available. We are in a far better situation right now we have access to media, can create our own blogs and we should use it to make our presence felt and highlight the injustice done to us.

    Pretty Girls With Underbites. a severe underbite,
  • a severe underbite,

  • rbusgc
    02-24 01:30 PM
    Receipt No: 5475-4035-1880-0959


    How to get added to the 'donor' forum?? ;)


    Pretty Girls With Underbites. Nick Douglas — underbite-boy-
  • Nick Douglas — underbite-boy-

  • gc_vbin
    02-21 01:13 PM
    Donated $50 via paypal
    Your transaction ID for this payment is: 0AD43776BW681541E.

    Will be donating 20,000 Delta skymiles as well coz will not be able to make it to DC (though I wish I could)

    2010 Class III before Pretty Girls With Underbites. I find it pretty amazing what
  • I find it pretty amazing what

  • crystal
    07-07 10:10 PM
    If nothing works I want #3 :D . I lost 2000$ for this crap .:mad:


    Pretty Girls With Underbites. so we should be big girls.
  • so we should be big girls.

  • alterego
    11-21 05:28 PM

    Accept my heartfelt sorry for your terrible diagnosis and please see that from the prayers and support of everyone here that yours is an unjust situation. Yet some of us bear this unjust burden.
    If there ever was a humanitarian reason to remove a waiting time for your family, it would be this, and I hope while you have a chance to see this is done. We take so much for granted in this life and get worked up over issues that in situations like this seem trivial.
    That said, I feel that you have done your part to earn the privilege of your family living in this great nation, I can't help but feel that in a compassionate and just nation such as the USA, your case should get a waiver of the normal waiting times. As you can see from this thread, virtually 100% of us would be happy to let you cut in line in front of us. I would think most Americans are likewise.
    You should definitely seek the assistance of a Lawyer to present your case to the USCIS. I think there are some provisions in place for situations such as yours to expedite such applications. A good lawyer will be able to guide you.

    hair Underbite Dog by jpwilby Pretty Girls With Underbites. And maybe it is,
  • And maybe it is,

  • chanduv23
    06-23 06:36 AM
    Those who think, their employer is OK - be extra extra cautious. Never, never believe employers. Bottom line is, employers will not care for u, if they know u r gonna benefit out of this, they will do everything they can to avoid this. Most desi employers indulge in sweet talks. Talks will be extremely sweet. Just like how they talk to u before u join the company.

    GC filing is a carrot that employers thrive on. They will do anything to aqvoid this situation.

    Remember, your problems are not over after filing 485 also. The so called prospective employers who always told u, "I will hire you, if you have a GC or EAD" will now give some other excuse. Basically they want to put u in a position where u have less chances of bargain, thats the whole deal.

    Lotsa people go by self employment after filing for EAD (Dunno how - maybe some IV members can explain this) and still do contracting and safely see themselves through their GC.

    So basically, we are on our own here. For those dealing with desi employers - I can tell u one thing. U can handle the situation with sweet talk and some diplomacy - desi employers have their own fears. But those dealing with American employers - be extra careful - HR personnel etc... who have sympathy for layed off workers etvc... will try to screw u big time on ur back. If they decide to screw u - they will do it big time and none of ur diplomacy will work there - believe me, I gone through this.

    Be smart - stay on top of things, don't waste time and get things done in all possible ways. Get employer letter in whatever way u can. (If you have a letterhead - u know what I am saying ....)


    Pretty Girls With Underbites. the underbite is crazy.
  • the underbite is crazy.

  • pappu
    04-21 07:25 AM
    Thanks. We are also looking for feedback from members who have already done this and any limitations and problems that they have faced. From employer point of view as well as your own point of view.

    Has anyone done this more than 1 times?

    How much % salary increase have you taken while changing jobs?
    How different was your job description and profile?

    What are the list of limitations that your own lawyers have given you that has limited you in your professional growth?

    hot bite, Crossbite, Underbite Pretty Girls With Underbites. the underbite is crazy.
  • the underbite is crazy.

  • hopefull_in_guam
    02-05 07:06 PM
    Sorry if this is not about GC or any US immigration processes...i just would like to know if anybody can help me or provide me the procedures to obtain Canadian PR. I already had an assessment done (me and my husband under H1 here in US as Accountants ) and we have I-140 and 485 pending. We are thinking of trying Canada.

    I always checked and read this site but this is my first post and your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.


    house underbite and I love her. Pretty Girls With Underbites. it#39;s pretty woody-proof
  • it#39;s pretty woody-proof

  • dassumi
    11-17 05:00 PM

    tattoo a severe underbite, Pretty Girls With Underbites. Underbite on sumak by The
  • Underbite on sumak by The

  • ujjvalkoul
    06-23 05:38 PM
    Guys u can mark my words - there will be no relief for Hi Tech Workers, as the policy makers know, if not here we will find comparable jobs elsewhere, and wont make a noise.

    It will come down to making a noise in a big way if we have to achieve our immigration goals. When illegals can take to the streets, c'mon we r legal and following the process (which is broken) and we want that process fixed. Is taht asking too much!

    Gone are the days when immigrants were welcome in US, although everyone in US is an immigrant, we r the unlucky ones to have been caught in this wave of backlogs, anti-immigrationists and illegals.


    pictures Nick Douglas — underbite-boy- Pretty Girls With Underbites. underbite and I love her.
  • underbite and I love her.

  • bhobama
    05-10 04:52 PM
    You got to be kidding. Why not rename the "World" as "India" . Typical disdain. The quota was IN the system before anyone got here by H1B, so your argument is fallacious. We were all aware of the quota when we got here.

    There are highly skilled programmers from Nigeria also, just not in the same numbers. So you want them to stand behind all of China and India ?

    Apparently, that guy is from ROW, and pretend being an Indian. otherwise, why he does not know India itself is a huge country with so many different languages, cultures, etc? isn't that diverse enough?

    dresses the underbite is crazy. Pretty Girls With Underbites. has a slight underbite
  • has a slight underbite

  • GC_Green9
    07-20 06:44 AM
    I am In. I pledge $100 for this thread

    Contributed $400


    makeup so we should be big girls. Pretty Girls With Underbites. underbite and I love her.
  • underbite and I love her.

  • wait4ever
    08-14 07:45 PM
    I have yet to receive the card
    CPO mail on 08-09

    Wait for a week or so - you should be fine

    girlfriend Underbite on sumak by The Pretty Girls With Underbites. Pretty music.
  • Pretty music.

  • sayonara
    08-23 07:03 PM
    I had a LUD on 07/22 and I am still waiting....

    Oops ! Feel for you...

    My friend had LUD on 25th...and got all receipts for him and his wife and also got the FP notice ( Ofcourse, NSC 140 )

    hairstyles the underbite is crazy. Pretty Girls With Underbites. keira knightley underbite
  • keira knightley underbite

  • viveckj99
    10-10 04:23 PM
    looks like USCIS are giving us least priority.They may be thinking we are suppose to file a law suit when Visa are unavailable during July3 to July 16.
    Dont know where they put our application?do we get any rfe or rejection?
    Hi guys,
    it is very frustrating that most of the guys whi have filed between July 2nd -July 16 have been waiting either close to 90 or more than 90 days, just for the sake of the DAMN receipt notices.

    I have been very patiently waiting for the past 84 days (as i filed mine on July16th) and I see that even folks who filed just during the Aug 10th period are also getting their notices and getting their FP done.

    DAMN with USCIS sorting order, as those morons could not even implement a FIFO manner, if they had followed, we would have had our receipts long back.

    Once again, HELL with these stupid receipting process.

    Hope atleast some of you can understand the pain in the whole friggin process.


    08-20 07:16 AM
    Is I-485 approval notice on I-797 or will it be just like EAD mailer with GC cards attached to it.
    I am still waiting for the GC cards

    07-04 11:13 PM
    Did you know I-140 dates are prtable from X to Y after 140 is approved? I am sorry to hear your pain, but you can check if you can atleast maintain your priority dates.

    Are you sure about that...never heard of I140 portability. If it were true...why would there be such a big ho ha about AC-21.

    Iam a novice at this, and am by no means contradicting your point...just skeptical..

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