Thursday, June 30, 2011

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  • unitednations
    03-07 12:27 PM
    I hate to say this since I'm charged to the India queue as well. However this will not get solved soon. I saw on CNBC this afternoon that there were something like 53K H1b visas for Indians last year, next was china with like 8 or 9K, then others(I had no idea it was that lop-sided). When H1b visas are going so disproportionately to one country, the only solution to solve the EB green card logjam is to either put country caps on H1b visa or lift it on EB green cards. This is not opinion, it is quite simply a fact. Absent that, we can consider the EB green card route closed for anyone from India.
    There is little and declining sympathy for the pro H1b forces. I suspect we will see highly restrictive legislation pretty soon, and based on the current sentiment wouldn't bet against it passing either.

    I don't think people are in reality. We are in an environment that we have to be diligent that they don't make it harder then what it is; rather then making it easier.

    People started playing the devils advocate that if there is quotas on EB then there should also be quota on H-1b; sort of trying to say if there isn't quota on h-1b then there shouldn't be on EB.

    A little while ago; some Indian nationals who were here on H-2 visa to help with re-construcing mississipi and louisiana after hurrican katrina got the bright idea to do a march and go public with their grievances. Their grievances were that they paid $15K to come to USA; they were given poor housing, poor working conditions and they want to get greencards.

    Do you think they got greencards? No; now the law has been changed to not include India as part of H-2 visas.

    Everyone should try to understand the reality that we are in.

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  • pcs
    06-25 10:44 PM
    Look at this ad...

    This guy is a bigtime white racist... he does not mind only Canadian TN VISA guys but not the Mexicans...

    Equal opportunity Emp will call for either do not sponsor ANY VISA catagory for people present in US or NO VISA at all... BUT this guys is OK with VISA for Canadian but No Mexican.... forget about H1-B etc... OPT

    PROCESS ENGINEER / CHEMICAL ENGINEER - Petrochemical / Refining / Oil and Gas job in Martinez, CA: Engineering and Engineering careers - Yahoo HotJobs (

    I do not need any job but I am going to write to the VP of this company and demand explanation to prove why he be not considered a racist or at least a NON Equal Opportunity Employer

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  • senthil1
    05-24 01:39 AM
    Another reason was IV was relying on skil bill but when point system is used Skil bill does not fit into it. They threw it away. Also skil bill was asking exemptions for MS and STEM apart from increase in numbers(Congress never gave exemption from Cap except spouses of citizens). It might be better with just giving numbers so that only one provision was there. I think now IV is asking only numbers of green card and this campaign has better chance of success(atleast some increase in numbers). But if we focus multiple things(Involving in H1b issues and other smaller issues) at the same time then it may be tough to achieve.

    Vijjus, this is coming from a veteran:
    There is not such out of touch or education needed to be done. Congressmen are well aware of the plight of legal immigrants way before than dreamed of existence. We fought hard in order to educate congressmen and often their staff played dumb, but again the truth is that they never cared about our plight.

    The reality is that this, as usual, is primarily driven by business needs. Major employers such as Bill Gates lobby mainly for H1B numbers increase. Employers are very much aware that H1B staff under pressure can put up and deliver the very long journey of 60-80h/week expected at Microsoft. Yes, Microsoft and many other major employers could easily find qualified US students with two years of experience, skills by the way comparable to what the vast majorities of H1B's offer, but Americans who do not need the H1B would give a finger to any employer who would expect that an American would work 80h/week for 55K/year.

    The illegal aliens are being backed by major employers of cheap labor, such as Wall Mart and many others. Illegals also can put extra long hours and therefore they yield more output for less investiment. That's is the reason that US employers seem to fight so consistently to keep them here.

    I estimate that efforts do not count for 0.5% of the final result of this bill. As a matter of fact, chances are more we fight and protest, more people will be outrageous and scared and will call *their* congressmen even harder in order to push us out.

    For the naive and dreamers out there who are shaking their heads after reading the above and believe that employers cannot find qualified applicants, so just answer this:
    How many million dollars per year are the top management of Fortune 500 companies making? The US is not about drastic wages inequalities. This is about paying a fair salary, otherwise we have increasing salary inequality and this should be renamed then to Mexico, India or something like that.


    Tito Ortiz


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  • vaishnavilakshmi
    11-22 04:05 AM

    Sorry to know about ur health issue.As some one in forum mentioned,u could approach the best doctor first and get your treatment done.Greencards etc are secondary when there could be a better way to survive.

    we pray for u and ur family,
    wish u all the best,


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  • ashish3
    11-21 11:01 AM

    I am very sorry and shocked to hear this news. I pray to GOD so don't lose hope.. everything will be OK .... I think taking second/third opinion is going to help and as far as your wife Immigiration case .. I think some members mentioned about talking to Attorney .. You can also drop a email to Sheila Mutrhy and Rajive Khanna. I am sure they will come out and help...

    Please don't lose hope... everything will be OK...

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  • sparklinks
    08-26 11:13 AM
    Congratulation. That was quick. I applied for EAD renewal for me and my wife RD 7/9/2008 and still waiting.

    Any one waiting near 6/18 ?


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  • new_horizon
    03-05 03:59 PM
    I landed in Jan08 thru Windsor border in Michigan. I drove in my car to CA. You'll go to the immigration officer who'll check your landing docs, and then ask you to sign the landing document. Then show them the proof of funds. I had a cashier's check for the amount. Then you'll be asked for an address in CA. If asked tell them you are planning to settle at the address. If you say you are returning to US, they'll not give you the PR card saying when you come to live in CA they'll issue it. I made that mistake. They stamp your passport with the entry stamp. Without a PR card you can't enter CA at an airport. Your only option is driving to CA thru a land border. They'll let you in with just the stamp on the PP. Fortunately I live close to Windsor border.
    As someone pointed out, you'll then go to customs, where they'll check the goods you are bringing or plan to bring later. There are 2 different forms for 'bringing goods with you' and 'goods to follow'. Make sure you fill in all the item in your home on the 'goods to follow' with some details like model number, etc. If you are not planning to live to CA, don't fill anything on the 'bringing goods form.

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  • maag
    05-30 10:49 AM
    Thanks Marty once again.
    I plan to apply for SIN but is it required to do medical insurance, PO box and bank account right now?
    I am returning back on monday and as of now don't know if i will go to canada or stay in US.


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  • indyanguy
    10-03 02:43 PM
    Thanks for the reply.

    I had trouble finding the memo from Dec 2005. Can you please link it?

    Thanks again

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  • chantu
    08-20 12:04 PM
    No need to send any cover letter. Rest all docs you mentioned are correct. No more docs needed.


    Sorry if I am posting on wrong thread. I am in the process of sending my documents for EAD renewal and had few questions

    Do we need to include a cover letter ?

    Also I am sending the following documents.

    1) copy I-485 receipt notice
    2) copy of EAD (front and back)
    3) two color photos
    4) Filing fee check $340
    5) Mailer stub received from previous EAD.

    Am I missing anything else?


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  • lost_in_migration
    05-01 04:36 PM

    PART 2 [CONTD.]

    (II) No permanent resident visa may be issued to an alien physician described in subclause (I) by the Secretary of State under section 204(b) , and the Attorney General may not adjust the status of such an alien physician from that of a nonimmigrant alien to that of a permanent resident alien under section 245 , until such time as the alien has worked full time as a physician for an aggregate of 5 years (not including the time served in the status of an alien described in section 101(a)(15)(J) ), in an area or areas designated by the Secretary of Health and Human Services as having a shortage of health care professionals or at a health care facility under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

    (III) Nothing in this subparagraph may be construed to prevent the filing of a petition with the Attorney General for classification under section 204(a) , or the filing of an application for adjustment of status under section 245 , by an alien physician described in subclause (I) prior to the date by which such alien physician has completed the service described in subclause (II).

    (IV) The requirements of this subsection do not affect waivers on behalf of alien physicians approved under section 203(b)(2)(B) before the enactment date of this subsection. In the case of a physician for whom an application for a waiver was filed under section 203(b)(2)(B) prior to November 1, 1998, the Attorney General shall grant a national interest waiver pursuant to section 203(b)(2)(B) except that the alien is required to have worked full time as a physician for an aggregate of 3 years (not including time served in the status of an alien described in section 101(a)(15)(J) ) before a visa can be issued to the alien under section 204(b) or the status of the alien is adjusted to permanent resident under section 245 .

    (C) Determination of exceptional ability. - In determining under subparagraph (A) whether an immigrant has exceptional ability, the possession of a degree, diploma, certificate, or similar award from a college, university, school, or other institution of learning or a license to practice or certification for a particular profession or occupation shall not by itself be considered sufficient evidence of such exceptional ability.

    (3) Skilled workers, professionals, and other workers.-

    (A) In general. - Visas shall be made available, in a number not to exceed 28.6 percent of such worldwide level, plus any visas not required for the classes specified in paragraphs (1) and (2), to the following classes of aliens who are not described in paragraph (2):

    (i) Skilled workers. - Qualified immigrants who are capable, at the time of petitioning for classification under this paragraph, of performing skilled labor (requiring at least 2 years training or experience), not of a temporary or seasonal nature, for which qualified workers are not available in the United States.

    (ii) Professionals. - Qualified immigrants who hold baccalaureate degrees and who are members of the professions.

    (iii) Other workers. - Other qualified immigrants who are capable, at the time of petitioning for classification under this paragraph, of performing unskilled labor, not of a temporary or seasonal nature, for which qualified workers are not available in the United States.

    (B) Limitation on other workers. - Not more than 10,000 of the visas made available under this paragraph in any fiscal year may be available for qualified immigrants described in subparagraph (A)(iii).

    (C) Labor certification required.- An immigrant visa may not be issued to an immigrant under subparagraph (A) until the consular officer is in receipt of a determination made by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to the provisions of section 212(a)(5)(A) .

    (4) Certain special immigrants. - Visas shall be made available, in a number not to exceed 7.1 percent of such worldwide level, to qualified special immigrants described in section 101(a)(27) (other than those described in subparagraph (A) or (B) thereof), of which not more than 5,000 may be made available in any fiscal year to special immigrants described in subclause (II) or (III) of section 101(a)(27)(C)(ii) , 2/ and not more than 100 may be made available in any fiscal year to special immigrants, excluding spouses and children, who are described in section 101(a)(27)(M) .

    (5) Employment creation. -

    (A) In general. - Visas shall be made available, in a number not to exceed 7.1 percent of such worldwide level, to qualified immigrants seeking to enter the United States for the purpose of engaging in a new commercial 4/ enterprise (including a limited partnership)--

    (i) 4/ in which such alien has invested (after the date of the enactment of the Immigration Act of 1990) or, is actively in the process of investing, capital in an amount not less than the amount specified in subparagraph (C), and

    (ii) 4/ which will benefit the United States economy and create full-time employment for not fewer than 10 United States citizens or aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence or other immigrants lawfully authorized to be employed in the United States (other than the immigrant and the immigrant's spouse, sons, or daughters).

    (B) Set-aside for targeted employment areas.-

    (i) In general. - Not less than 3,000 of the visas made available under this paragraph in each fiscal year shall be reserved for qualified immigrants who 4/ invest in a new commercial enterprise described in subparagraph (A) which will create employment in a targeted employment area.

    (ii) Targeted employment area defined. - In this paragraph, the term ``targeted employment area'' means, at the time of the investment, a rural area or an area which has experienced high unemployment (of at least 150 percent of the national average rate).

    (iii) Rural area defined. - In this paragraph, the term ``rural area'' means any area other than an area within a metropolitan statistical area or within the outer boundary of any city or town having a population of 20,000 or more (based on the most recent decennial census of the United States).

    (C) Amount of capital required. -

    (i) In general. - Except as otherwise provided in this subparagraph, the amount of capital required under subparagraph (A) shall be $1,000,000. The Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of State, may from time to time prescribe regulations increasing the dollar amount specified under the previous sentence.

    (ii) Adjustment for targeted employment areas.- The Attorney General may, in the case of investment made in a targeted employment area, specify an amount of capital required under subparagraph (A) that is less than (but not less than 1/2 of) the amount specified in clause (i).

    (iii) Adjustment for high employment areas.-In the case of an investment made in a part of a metropolitan statistical area that at the time of the investment -

    (I) is not a targeted employment area, and

    (II) is an area with an unemployment rate significantly below the national average unemployment rate, the Attorney General may specify an amount of capital required under subparagraph (A) that is greater than (but not greater than 3 times) the amount specified in clause (I).

    (D) 4/ Full-time employment defined.--In this paragraph, the term `full-time employment' means employment in a position that requires at least 35 hours of service per week at any time, regardless of who fills the position.

    (6) Special rules for "k" special immigrants. -

    (A) Not counted against numerical limitation in year involved. - Subject to subparagraph (B), the number of immigrant visas made available to special immigrants under section 101(a)(27)(K) in a fiscal year shall not be subject to the numerical limitations of this subsection or of section 202(a).

    (B) Counted against numerical limitations in following year.-

    (i) Reduction in employment-based immigrant classifications. - The number of visas made available in any fiscal year under paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) shall each be reduced by 1/3 of the number of visas made available in the previous fiscal year to special immigrants described in section 101(a)(27)(K) .

    (ii) Reduction in per country level. - The number of visas made available in each fiscal year to natives of a foreign state under section 202(a) shall be reduced by the number of visas made available in the previous fiscal year to special immigrants described in section 101(a)(27)(K) who are natives of the foreign state.

    (iii) Reduction in employment-based immigrant classifications within per country ceiling. - In the case of a foreign state subject to section 202(e) in a fiscal year (and in the previous fiscal year), the number of visas made available and allocated to each of paragraphs (1) through (3) of this subsection in the fiscal year shall be reduced by 1/3 of the number of visas made available in the previous fiscal year to special immigrants described in section 101(a)(27)(K) who are natives of the forei gn state.(C)[Subparagraph (C) was stricken by Sec. 212(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Technical Corrections Act of 1994 (Pub. L. 103-416 , 108 Stat. 4314, Oct. 25, 1994)]

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  • reddymjm
    05-05 09:38 AM
    Just because i gave my predictions which were not favorable to the person, Someone gave me a red.:mad: Guys take it sportively, We are just doing a prediction games, If someone predicts dates which is favorable or unfavorable doesn't mean USCIS / State dept will use the same dates, They will use what is on their minds.

    By the way the guy gave me comment EB3 india will be June 2002 funny

    whats funny in that. As you said it is just a prediction...


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  • mmanurker
    07-20 11:42 AM
    Dear Members

    For those of you joining us late, here is some info about this thread.

    1. This is to do our least part to the core IV Team for their selfless sacrifice, for all of us getting the benefits of legal immigration. Note that , Aman Kapoor , the co-founder of IV has done his part by sacrificing $64,000/- from his own personal funds towards the administrative costs of IV. Yes you read it right , it is $64,000/- We come to know from his co-worker that he has sold his house towards running this show for us.

    2. We have not yet figured out a way to reimburse these costs as IV does not yet have administrative costs part of the expenditure allocation, as we understand it. So instead of a wait and watch, we decided to go ahead with collecting the pledge from the members on the amount they are putting forth for reimbursing the amount. Once we come up with a strategy(members we look for your suggestions on how to get this done, please add your comments) we will instruct the members pledged to pay out.

    So do not pay it directly to the IV core funds, yet.

    Please help us spread the message about this thread in other threads by copy and pasting the following in other threads too.

    There is a funding drive in this other thread towards reimbursing Aman and other core IV member's expenses towards the administrative costs of IV.

    Could you please pledge an amount ?


    Pl. count me in....I pledge $100 towards Aman's expense re-imbursement.
    Pl. let me know how to send the amount coz your post clearly says
    "do not pay it directly to the IV core funds, yet"
    (so far contributed $100 to IV)

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  • gbof
    05-10 12:50 PM
    I think it is ironic that we (from India) complain about quota on GC when we are the masters of quotas whether it be in education, workplace, politics etc. I myself was not affected by quotas in India, but I know several friends who were, simply because they were born in "upper caste" and therefore had to be denied opportunities as "revenge" for the injustice meted out by their ancestors several centuries ago, instead of being based on economics.

    I personally think GC quota has a rationale behind it. It allows for a reasonable share to go to smaller countries so that the US population maintains its diversity. Besides, near the end of the year, if the numbers are unused, they are rolled over to larger countries like India and China, thereby automatically eliminating the quota.

    EB based GC should NOT have Quota (.) We are already IN the system. How will it effect diversity. Diversity visa are meant for divesrsity. EB is skill based and only skill should be cared for,


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  • abq_gc
    08-18 03:03 PM
    Yes they may be by some people. But the rules of this forum state quite clearly, that cussing is NOT welcome. This website is often frequented by members of the Senate/Congress (not the actual lawmakers themselves ofcourse, but their support staff). Do we really want them to see "highly skilled professionals" cussing left and right on them? No.

    Just because the IV moderators cannot moderate this forum 24/7 does not mean that we take advantage and post garbage on here

    Ok no more cursing... and I agree it wasnt the most sensible thing to do on my part.. but man.. I am frustrated.. and I know so are you but can we please think about it with a cool head and come up with something ????

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  • vivache
    03-11 10:37 PM
    I've seen some posts here and people complaining that the GC process has a stranglehold on their lives.

    I've been struggling for the GC for the simply reason that my wife can work. Now she's finally a qualified dentist and someone is sponsoring her visa. She could have worked in the last 5 years .. as an assistant and made money .. and done some work. But since I did not have an EAD for her .. that wasn't possible.

    But our lives were not held ransom by the GC process. We travelled a lot .. pretty much have seen more of this country than even the natives :). Read, watched movies, socialised .. I think to a large extent we had a lot of fun. Agreed that the process is painful.. and you are held hostage.
    But at the end of the day it is your life ..
    Simple options are:
    1. Wait .. since there is no other alternative
    2. Push through IV activities .. so that you are involved
    3. Check some other country ..
    4. Go back to India. (not saying in a bad way)

    At the end of the day .. peace of mind is more important.
    The only reason 99% of the people are here is becuase 1$=44.5Rs.
    Had it been 1:1.. I would be on the next flight back home .. enjoying family, friends, bhelpuri, cricket , 10000 festivals, neigbors trooping in .. etc etc .

    There are always answers.

    I undestand that the process is frustrating .. and I am also hugely frustrated .. battling lawyers, HR, the process itself. But what the hell .. life goes on. You meet people in your situation .. you see some of them getting through the process. There is always hope .. just look for it.


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  • xlr8r
    05-27 07:22 PM

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  • desi3933
    06-27 11:41 AM
    Here you go - These are the wordings !

    1. Employee had agreed to pay $ 10,000 if Employee resigns within first year of receiving the green card (hereinafter “Commitment Period”). After payment of the salary for the working days till the commitment period subject to all applicable payroll taxes and deductions, completes the transaction and Employee agrees that he has no other claims against the company.

    Also there are more sensitive clauses like >>>>


    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed and entered into this Agreement.

    There are many points on which this agreement can be defended.
    1. No fixed time period. Staying upto 1 year after getting GC is same as saying work until the car engine for the company CEO's car goes out. Nobody can predict either one.
    2. Usually waiver of filing lawsuit by employee involves sum of money for its consideration. Many employer pay employee month salary (or part/multiple) to offer agreement for not suing. Agreement terms without consideration are usually null and void. For example, I can't have agreement with you that you will deliver free newspaper without stating consideration/compensation for you.
    3. Company can claim for GC Expenses and other related expenses if employee leaves within reasonable and agreed period. So probably $10,000 is in the agreement to cover that.

    Now for the bad news, defending this agreement could cost much more than $10,000, besides time and hassles. More so, if employee and employer are in two different states as employer can file suit in their state. In short, $10,000 is cost of moving out of this job at the time of your choice. You could also look at it as the added cost of GC.

    I suggest you should consider making a plan to move in your life and career. As they say, freedom is priceless.

    Good Luck.

    Not a legal advice.
    Green Card holder since May 2002

    desi3933 at

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  • cnag
    02-25 11:35 AM
    Over the past 4 years, I have contributed to IV several times. I was also a monthly subscriber of $20 for over a year until my credit card expired and the payments stopped.
    What pains me is that inspite of several requests, i have not been granted access to donor forms. Perhaps there is a waiting list for donor access or my priority date is not current for the same.:confused:

    I will try my best to make it to DC events, but please accept my small contribution in case i am unable to make the trip.

    Transaction ID # 44Y412702G964994U date 2/25/2011 $25. monthly contribution for 6 months.

    02-05 07:28 PM
    Sorry if this is not about GC or any US immigration processes...i just would like to know if anybody can help me or provide me the procedures to obtain Canadian PR. I already had an assessment done (me and my husband under H1 here in US as Accountants ) and we have I-140 and 485 pending. We are thinking of trying Canada.

    I always checked and read this site but this is my first post and your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    I did it myself about 5 years back (Aug 2002).. Got approved (Jan 2004) and landed for about 3 days (May 2004) and given friend's address for PR card mailing. He mailed it to my US address... But later I decided to give up Canadian PR for personal reasons... But still it was peace of mind for next 3 years... (2 out of 5 years to maintain PR)...

    PM me if you've any specific concerns... I'll be glad if I can help...

    08-18 06:50 PM
    Ok, bear with me here.

    Say I have a PD from 1998, but I did not apply for 485 because, say, I wasn't married, or I my religious beliefs did not allow me, or some other reason.

    Now when everybody else between 2000 and 2004 have possibly been granted their GCs based on visa availability, how fair it would be for 2005 applicant to be held back just because a 1998 guy applied today? Not it would not be. It is not fair to hold back a 2005 applicant because a 1998 person chose not to apply when the time was ripe.

    Now you will argue that 1998 applicant cant be given the PD priority because he did not apply for personal reason, and that is his problem. Sorry, but then you are persecuting that person based on his religious beliefs. a big NO NO.

    Bottom line is that PD priority is maintained only through cut-off (priority) dates. Beyond that it is just RD/ND. It may not sound fair to you, but it is actually fair. PD-cut-off already maintain a good priority queue.

    Action on these micro-items is not good use of resource. These symptoms are only temporary, and not systemic enough to warrant a legislative action or anything else.

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