Wednesday, June 29, 2011

crystal harris

images Crystal Harris Twins: Crystal crystal harris. hefner and crystal harris.
  • hefner and crystal harris.

  • kannan
    02-15 11:25 AM
    Me too, No FP till Today.......

    wallpaper hefner and crystal harris. crystal harris. Crystal Harris Tells All!
  • Crystal Harris Tells All!

  • payur
    07-11 10:21 AM
    Way to go !!!!

    crystal harris. Crystal Harris Photo
  • Crystal Harris Photo

  • hiUS
    09-12 09:57 AM
    Congratulations to everyone who is getting their applications approved.

    My PD is Aug 2006 and I might have a remote chance of getting approved this month. Can someone give me the customer service number to talk about the 485 status. I keep seeing that many people talk to the customer service and get updates on the case. My case is pending at TSC. Thanks a lot.

    It is the same number which you see on the 485 notice which you have.

    select options as if you are checking your status on the phone (i.e. push buttons leading that direction, enter your receipt # listen to your LUD etc.). After that select the option which refers to "you believe you have a problem with your application" section (I think that is option 3). Then select the option which points problem with multiple applications (like if you believe your derivatives application seperated etc.). That one is option #4. That will end up at TSC IO. I hope my intstructions above will be helpful to you.

    2011 Crystal Harris Tells All! crystal harris. Love you, Crystal.
  • Love you, Crystal.

  • va_dude
    06-26 09:43 AM
    The way i understand this, not all companies are bound by the EOE laws.
    Certain conditions have to be met to be considered an EOE.

    Not every employer is an equal opp employer, so those guys can hire whoever they want.
    Besides hiring folks on h1b, etc could add to costs for employers. So they choose not to employ such folks.


    crystal harris. Crystal Harris December Photo
  • Crystal Harris December Photo

  • ssa
    06-22 04:59 PM
    My labour and I-140 is approved last year and I am working with current employer from last 1 and half years. Employer is making good money trough me....
    m very much in tension and he is talking to me.

    Can someone suggest what may be the option for me?

    Its all about how you negotiate. You may have some leeway in your negotiations if you have enough years left on your H1B. If all other peaceful negotiations fail let them know - without loosing your temper - that filing I 485 is the most important thing for you at this point and if it does not get done before the PDs retrogress again you will look out for other job using H1B transfer. All they worry about is the billing money they get out of you and they are worried once you file I-485 they will loose it in 6 months due to AC21. If you make them see that they will loose it other way too they may cut some deal with you.
    Just my 2 cents

    crystal harris. Crystal Harris, Kristina and
  • Crystal Harris, Kristina and

  • deziliu
    05-02 07:20 PM
    Hi, all:

    I have a few questions regarding changing job, if anyone knows it , please reply to me. My current situation is:

    (1). I-485 was sumitted on 07/2007 and it is still pending. EB3 category.
    (2). EAD card valid until 10/2012.
    (3). H1-B visa valid until 03/2012 through my current employer.

    I find another job which similar to what I-140 describes. But this new employer is a job agency and unwilling to tranfer my H1-B visa. It wants me to work on my EAD card on 1099 form.

    So, my questions are:

    (1). Will it be problem if I work as independent contractor on 1099 form not W2 form?
    (2). Is there any problem to new my EAD card since I lost my H1-B visa?
    (3). Do I need to inform INS about this job changing? If so, what docuements I need to submit?
    (4). What if my current employer revoke my I - 140, does that mean my GC will be denied? what should I do if I want to keep legal?




    crystal harris. fiance Crystal Harris was
  • fiance Crystal Harris was

  • Libra
    08-26 01:42 PM
    Senators and congressman in MN are not very helpful I guess, first they told me wait one month and if I dont hear anything then they will send a request, after one month I called them up to find out whether they can help, that guy in senator office told me to wait 6 more months.

    It's not like my case is lost or in transit or not assigned to an officer, it is assigned to an officer on june 29th, officer at infopass said may be the officer who has my file have more old cases compare to others.

    Hmmm, and congressman or senator?
    Keep pursuing, you may find help from some direction.

    2010 Crystal Harris Photo crystal harris. Crystal Harris Twins: Crystal
  • Crystal Harris Twins: Crystal

  • chanduy9
    07-03 02:08 PM
    :D :D :D :D I can't stop....good humar....
    if roses won't work then we all send cactus..:):)


    crystal harris. Crystal Harris Photo
  • Crystal Harris Photo

  • shreekhand
    02-02 02:25 PM
    Well, I kind of expected a response to my kind of personal remark in the earlier part of the post than what I wrote later in the message... never mind, that's the human mind.

    Don't know about you but I for sure don't rely on just conversing with NGO's or reading news about "atrocities", but actually have involved myself in traveling, teaching and helping institute schools in tribal areas of Jharkhand (Ghatsila-Singhbum), where education had never even reached. The sparkle in their eyes, hospitality and values beats what we find urbanized and modernized world (had the same experience when I visited central Cambodia last month). I also see that casteism is not the same all over in India (a lot less in the west (when I was in Nanded district in Maharashtra) than the north and parts of south) and that it is rapidly changing (compare the caste discrimination 70 years ago with that today, even my active 85 year grandma who has traveled a lot in India, couldn't resist expressing her positive wonderment). The caste discrimination is severe no doubt in certain parts, nor am I trying to water down your experiences - but remember making a blanket statement for 1.2 Billion people demands a lot of explanation!

    There is difference working on the ground to make a transformation and witness it from a holistic sense than having a 5 feet level view. Hope you don't take anything personally... but maybe just grasp the gist of my experiences/thoughts.

    Really apologize if I hijacked the thread in anyway!

    This shows how ignorant you are about the most prevailing and backward situation in INDIA. Unfortunately the above comments show you like the cat drinking the milk closing eyes thinking nobody is watching her.
    Do you even know why the quota system was introduced. it is a different thing that it is not being utilized the way it had to be put into use. You are just from western part of India don't speak as though you are from western part of the world. I guess you don't watch the news where they speak about the various atrocities done on the backward class by the forward class. I feel sorry for your ignorance that is all I can do. When possible go to any NGO social service people and ask about caste system and they will give you ample stories which might shatter your belief. What I agreed with the fellow IV member was on a different issue and I acknowledge the fact that things are wrong in each part of the world and every country has its own share of issues. Just like nobody is perfect not every place is perfect. But not acknowledging the fact that something is so widely prevalent in India just shows how far as an individual you are away from reality.


    hair Love you, Crystal. crystal harris. Crystal Harris Pic
  • Crystal Harris Pic

  • gc_on_demand
    09-10 10:19 AM

    Dates move ahead means almost all people before 8 Jan 2005 will get their GC in Sep 2009.

    If that comes not true then DOS has given Spill over visas to Eb2 india on day 1 of new quarter and will do same for every quarter. If this is the case then date will move forward only in Jan 2010 bulletin.

    and if they moved date forward because there are only few hundreds case between Jan 8 and Jan 22 2005 then we will see very big movement in Aug - Sep 2009. There are very few Labor since Nov 2008. So Eb2 ROW will not utilize even 10k visas in next year thus Eb2 row will donate 20k + visas to Eb2 india and Eb1 do same ... if Eb4 and Eb5 doesnot get renewal before Sep 30th then expect 5k more visas total almost 55k Spill over to Eb2 india and China which will make Eb2 C by Sep 2010..


    crystal harris. Crystal Harris at 50th Annual
  • Crystal Harris at 50th Annual

  • paulavijit
    05-25 02:15 PM
    Sent emails and made phone calls to all Senators mentioned.

    Thanks IV.

    Good luck.

    hot Crystal Harris December Photo crystal harris. Crystal Harris picture gallery
  • Crystal Harris picture gallery

  • manishcp
    09-28 11:15 AM
    July 3rd 2007,
    EAD aproved: Sep 28 2007


    house Crystal Harris Profile: crystal harris. Crystal Harris and Hugh Hefner
  • Crystal Harris and Hugh Hefner

  • h4help
    08-29 02:32 PM
    recieved July 5th at NSC @ 11.11 am signed by Heinauer ..
    no updates yet ! :confused:

    tattoo Crystal Harris, Kristina and crystal harris. Tags: Crystal Harris age,
  • Tags: Crystal Harris age,

  • sanju
    10-09 03:37 PM
    About giving GC based on age.

    I am 55.

    Any takers?Get behind me.

    Sorry, we are closed now. Sanjeev_2004 decided that we should do it based on PD. So we are going to give out GCs based on Priority Dates only. We have already send out the communications about the decision to the Department of State, Department of Homeland Security and the White House for them to follow the order of this thread.

    Andy, For haven sake please do not keep changing the rules of the game .... otherwise it gets very confusing. I request you please bear with us.

    BTW, is it 55 minutes? hours? days? weeks? months?


    pictures fiance Crystal Harris was crystal harris. Crystal Harris Playboy Photos
  • Crystal Harris Playboy Photos

  • GCmuddu_H1BVaddu
    08-29 08:42 PM
    so called active member!!!!!!. Did u wake up after your PD is current and looking for suggestions??? ha. One of those hippocratic persons.
    I am talking to you l

    dresses Crystal Harris picture gallery crystal harris. Crystal Harris and Hugh Hefner
  • Crystal Harris and Hugh Hefner

  • gjoe
    10-04 07:14 AM
    I am 5July filer, I got my RN on 10Sep but no FP notice till date


    makeup Crystal Harris Photo crystal harris. Crystal Harris Profile:
  • Crystal Harris Profile:

  • rbharol
    10-30 12:00 PM
    When NumbersUSA would present their case to the lawmakers,
    They would present their logic and arguments with facts they may have.

    When ImmigrationVoice present their case they would present their logic,
    arguments and facts which they have.

    Then it is for lawmakers to decide who is more convincing and
    what is best for AMERICA and its people

    Do not worry. If we have convincing arguments and facts and
    backing from the experts, which we have, we shall be heard.

    Cool down guys.

    I think this thread should be closed as it has lost its direction.

    girlfriend Tags: Crystal Harris age, crystal harris. Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris
  • Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris

  • ramus
    05-29 08:46 PM
    Great going... Thank you so much...

    In the past week I compleleted the following:

    1) Contrubuted to IV again
    2) Emailed 10 senators
    3) Also emailed two Senators from my state
    4) Emailed 30+ reporters of national news channels
    5) Emailed all local Chicago newspapers
    6) Emailed press release to 20+ Indian newspaper operating in US to increase awareness

    Will keep contributing....

    hairstyles Crystal Harris at 50th Annual crystal harris. Crystal Harris
  • Crystal Harris

  • BharatPremi
    07-10 05:22 PM
    So it's the day before the flowers will be delivered and let's make the most out of this story. Here are the links to the press release to use

    PDF version ( that can be sent as an attachment.
    HTML version ( that can be copy-pasted as text of the email.This ( is our updated press release in response to the message on the USCIS website.

    Most news organizations have dedicated reporters to cover immigration issues; so our first contact should be with them, since they'd be most interested in this story. Contact the writers of any immigration related stories that you've read recently - contact either by phone, or by email. If you are contacting by email here are a few helpful tips

    Make sure that title/information of that person's most recent article is used in the subject line. Something like, 'Follow up to Green Card Woes in WSJ'
    Refer to the article in the body of your email. For example
    You recently wrote about the frustrations of green card applicants due to a reversal by the USCIS (Wall Street Journal - July 5, 2007 - 'Reversal Frustrates Green Card Applicants'). I am one of those skilled, legal applicants and we are planning to protest against this decision the USCIS in a unique and peaceful manner - by sending hundreds, if not thousands of flower bouquets to the director of USCIS, Mr. Gonzalez on July 10th.
    After this, you can say that please refer to the attached press release for more information
    Wrap up your email with something like, "This is probably the first time when skilled, legal professionals are participating in an event like this at this scale and it goes to show the level of anxiety in the community right now. Would you be willing to write about this event as a follow-up to your previous article?"
    There is no harm in giving your contact number to let the reporter know that you can be contacted for any follow-up questions.
    Other things that we can do to create a buzz around it is to talk about it in blogs, various forums etc., specially if you are a blogger. Already, if you search USCIS+Flowers in Technorati, there are a good number of hits - we should try and increase them.

    Call up your local public radio station and tell them about this event (

    Any other ideas regarding increasing the visibility of this campaign should be posted on this thread.

    I would try to contact FM 104.9 and AM 700 in Dallas both radio stations are delivering programs in Hindi and Urdu and to the extent very popular in SOuth Assian community. I would update here about my efforts.

    08-13 02:05 PM
    DId your checks get cashed and receipts issued.
    I heard from a friend,he got a receipt but checks not cashed yet.

    The checks were submitted by my attorney and I am sure they might have cashed but I can not say for sure.

    05-10 12:50 PM
    I think it is ironic that we (from India) complain about quota on GC when we are the masters of quotas whether it be in education, workplace, politics etc. I myself was not affected by quotas in India, but I know several friends who were, simply because they were born in "upper caste" and therefore had to be denied opportunities as "revenge" for the injustice meted out by their ancestors several centuries ago, instead of being based on economics.

    I personally think GC quota has a rationale behind it. It allows for a reasonable share to go to smaller countries so that the US population maintains its diversity. Besides, near the end of the year, if the numbers are unused, they are rolled over to larger countries like India and China, thereby automatically eliminating the quota.

    EB based GC should NOT have Quota (.) We are already IN the system. How will it effect diversity. Diversity visa are meant for divesrsity. EB is skill based and only skill should be cared for,

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