Wednesday, June 29, 2011

bruce springsteen young

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  • psaxena
    09-10 07:41 PM
    Simple thing, I don't comment all the bull that goes on , on the open forum, discussing Vonage to anything, who cares. Put up the opinions no problem. But there has to be a limit on how and what are you putting up.
    Despite IV doing so much for the community, the post from gvenkat, jyoti and including yours and lot others (guys you know whom I am talking about) actually demotivate the group and this way you contribute to IV but all NEGATI VE When I see this type shit I just cannot stop myself and I think would be a shame on myself if I do so.

    Also , one time donation are not helping. IV needs more donations, more volunteers. Come on join in, everything is flexible here for volunteers, so please contribute and donate.IV core has got it to this point with least support and proved that yes it can be done now what else do you what IV to prove. After this still you are looking for something for them to prove. then its nothing to prove all BS excuses for not being the part of it.
    If that is the case , then who cares about ones opinion???

    I don't usually comment on such posts and I have seen a lot of people take the side I am about to take. I just think you are being unnecessarily rude. It is these people and their opinions that cause IV to exist as a group. Lets say you are going to lock membership only to people paying a membership fee every month. How big a group are you going to get?

    If it is going to be significant, then maybe that's the way IV should go and should just shut down public forums where there are members who can talk and members who have "not bought their right to talk"

    I bring up the "monthly membership" issue because I did make donations on multiple occasions (you should probably look up your records and verify). And yet, under the new design, I am not a donor, I do not get access to the exclusive threads that only the privileged monthly members do. So, just like the OP, I am a thankless member who thinks the group is thankless. So, I do not know what initiatives IV has taken, but yet, I linger around the forums because it has so many smart people throwing around ideas, working on theories and just being friendly.

    Maybe you should just create a little forum of yours in one corner and put walls around so no one can come in and make suggestions about things you won't tell them about. Does it take that much effort to be nice to someone? Just remember that he is free to tell you what to do irrespective of who he is. What you actually do is upto you. Just be nice for a change, it will make you get a whole new perspective on life!

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  • Bruce Springsteen and John

  • sunty
    08-18 01:30 PM
    In my humble opinion USCIS cannot be sued for NOT following their own guidelines. Thats the difference between guidelines and laws...But again I am not a lawyer.

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  • Bruce Springsteen

  • gondalguru
    07-02 08:58 AM
    Robin Williams? Are you sure it didn't go to Hollywood!

    USICS has hired the hollywood actors in order to clear backlog. Now most of those celebrities have lots of experiences of giving signatures to fans, uscis has assigned them the mail receiving clerk's duties.

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  • Bruce-Springsteen

  • Jimi_Hendrix
    10-27 02:00 PM
    is going to be very short. Therefore we should not have high hopes of getting things through in this session. This is a long fight so keep persevering and keep up the hopes.

    On a separate note, there is no point in engaging in any conversation with these gentlemen who continue to post nonsensical statements. I have reported them to the moderator.


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  • Bob Dylan amp; Bruce Springsteen

  • alex99
    04-30 02:06 PM
    gcbikari ,

    Your argument is wrong. From the PERM FLATDATA Center DATA,

    These are the Figures for TOAL LABOR CERTIFICATIONS for all the countries:


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  • September 23, 1949 when Bruce

  • english_august
    07-09 11:12 AM
    I found this in the one of the forums.. please people contact the report have people hear us.

    Story for the Washington Post


    Hi all,

    I'm a reporter with the Washington Post. If your efforts result in Emilio Gonzalez receiving hundreds of flowers tomorrow, I would very much like to do a story on it. If you're interested in speaking with me and telling me your story and why you've decided to participate in this demonstration, please give me an email or call me. My contact information is below.

    office phone: 202 334 6701

    I just spoke with her. Please call her with your story as well. The more the better.


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  • nixstor
    07-07 10:37 PM
    That's the reason I said if we at least get 1000 members then we can ask core members and get their help. members should seriously think if they can make it before they saying yes.. I think even Friday option works as member can take long weekend and spend weekend in DC. We will also get to know all IV members.

    What do you say?

    I recommend a Monday to a Friday. Most of the media/office folks will take friday off as well like you and me. Media will be fresh on monday and people will get good E fares to fly out into DC on Saturday and fly out on Monday night/Tuesday early morning (if at all some one comes out of town). Also forget the 1000 number. We can have a good impact if we have 300+ members and families. When you put a poll out there, have 2 options for sure

    a) I will come to DC on any day at any cost to attend this rally.
    b) I want to come but I dont know how it will work out, when the day comes.

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  • Bruce Springsteen Photos and

  • guy03062
    12-11 12:33 PM
    12/10/2006: The President Signed Yesterday Continuing Resolution Bill, H.J. 102

    The President swiftly signed this bill yesterday so that operation of the federal government be not negatively affected nor disrupted. None of immigration-related bills was apparently attached to this bill. When the new Congress returns on January 4, 2007, one of the top agenda will remain pending appropriation bills for various federal departments and agencies, which they should take care of by February 15, 2007. There is a chance that some immigration legislations such as H-1B relief can still be attached to one of these appropriation bills. People may recall that when the Senate-passed S.1932 died not too long past for its failure to pass the House, the H-1B and L-1 Reform Acts were introduced by Rep. Lamar Smith (TX) and the Congress easily passed the bill as a rider to the Omnibus Spending bill! Considering the fact that the business and academic communities can feel urgency more tangibly in the H-1B crisis as an imminent issue affecting their businesses "here and now," as opposed to EB immigrant issue which may be considered a long-term issue, the negative impact of which may be not necessarily imminently visible and tangible as relaed to their businesses "here and now." In this regard, the H-1B legislation can be taken out of the ill-fated SKIL bill and passed earlier than SKIL-type of EB immigration bill or CIR. We will see how things will unfold.


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  • Bruce Springsteen at 11:41

  • GCStatus
    09-16 05:12 PM
    So why doesn't Bharat give you a GC? Funny. BTW everyone is not from Bharat. :D

    Hope you are just joking.

    By the way, i didnt realise we have non-indians here too

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  • http://www.rucespringsteen.

  • rc0878
    08-29 08:15 AM
    Application sent on July 19th to NSC and was recieved on July 20th. Checks not cashed yet, and ofcourse no receipt numbers yet.


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  • Bruce Springsteen, 15 years

  • dpp
    07-28 07:21 AM
    Even if USCIS reverts the decision back to use Vertical spill overs, it won't change the EB3-I PD position a dime. As it didn't change with that way in the past. So, there is no use in asking USCIS to change it back to Vertical from Horizontal spill over.

    As somebody mentioned earlier, they were all taken by EB3 other workers all these years, it is better to ask USCIS to give preference to EB3-I and EB3-C before giving it to EB3 Other works so that they can get better share to complement for the lost happened all these years. I can understand the EB3-I frustration. We need to analyze who got the major share all these years and ask USCIS to give them to others lost in retrogression (EB3-I, EB3-C, EB2-I, EB2-C).

    Otherwise, only way to get a common ground is, recapture and dependent exception bills. We should all work for these two common bills.

    It may not directly harm visa recapture or any other official IV campaigns - at least for now! But don't you think if EB3-I campaign to revert to the old way of handling the overflow succeeds at all their will be an immediate follow up, counter campaign to re-revert the decision by EB2s? I don't see an end to this fight and I don't see any winners in the long term.

    Again, I'm not saying you shouldn't run your campaign. You have every right to do so. But please accept this for what it is. It will cause a split in IV members and that can not be avoided.

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  • alterego
    10-26 12:03 AM
    Hi Ahimsa and other poster who questioned this:

    Why SKULL bill ? As a high level manager I have learned after years of experience that you need to use good sense of humor, satirize when confronted with insanities and very stressful situations. In my life such a twaddle this immigration process has been that I need to come up to this forum and sometimes make some of us laugh a little bit from this situation. Calling it SKULL bill is a way to apply my sense of humor to this process. Please do not take this as an offense.

    Please, please. Folks, didn't you see and - a reliable pro immigration sources - outlining that that anti CIR calls outnumbered the pro CIR calls 400:1 ? Go to and research the info there by yourself if you don't trust me.

    One more indication for you, which doesn't rely on biased polls:
    In spite of massive lobby and muscles leveraged by the corporate sector, why do you think immigration bills - both pro legal and pro illegal - have been unsuccessful in the last two years ? Come on guys, by now you should not be questioning whether the public is against amnesty or even legal immigration. It is evident that the majority of citizens do not benefit from more immigration. Do you have an idea how much lobbying $ got involved on this without much success so far ? I am surprised that you are even raising this question. Why Americans should want more foreigners to compete with them when the real wages have declined ? That would defy logic.

    Here, a fresh related evidence. Those who have an open mind should be able to understand this:

    Does the Workplace Welcome Differ?

    Are Americans more welcoming to Asian immigrants than to Hispanics/Latinos? C.N. Le, who directs the Asian American Studies Program at the University of Massachusetts, calls it "a complicated issue." She thinks that "Americans in general are becoming slightly less welcoming to immigrants in general. Part of it has to do with illegal immigration, but it spills over and affects legal immigrants too. There is always workplace tension between those who gets jobs, and those who get left out."

    Talk about this article and get advice on the Diversity at Work message board.

    Here is a fresh poll for you, since you asked: (the poll was not conducted by though).

    QUESTION A: If immigration continues at its current level for the next 50 years, experts estimate that it will add approximately 100 million people to the United States population, which currently is 300 million. Knowing this, would you say the country needs to:
    % SAYING

    NOTE: Typically, poll results for categories are released to the public in rounded numbers that will tend not to add up precisely to 100%.

    REDUCE number of immigrants INCREASE number of immigrants Keep number the same Not sure
    ALL VOTERS 64 3 26 6
    Male 64 3 26 6
    Female 65 2 26 6
    Democrat 59 2 32 6
    Independent 59 4 31 4

    Immigration is a demographic imperative for America and the rest of the western world. Fact is the modern western cultures that empower women, encourage them to the workplace, make contraception/abortion freely available and make alternative lifestyles a choice, leads to a drop in fertility rates. Liberal leaning countries have amongst the lowest fertility rates, well below replacement levels.

    The above makes it an imperative to import labour and yes sheer people to take care of the old and infirm, to keep the service sector rolling even if manufacturing etc is outsourced. The only question is what kind of immigration and how much of it. In short the answer is the USA is not a dumb country, it generally always acts in its self interest faced with these choices. I believe EB immigration will soon be liberalised. This would be a smart thing especially if coupled with a crackdown on illegal immigration.

    US population is growing yes, but the elderly population is exploding. More are getting older (baby boomers) and once there there they are sticking aroung longer. I wish there was a measure of working age population only, the growth of that population is probably much less than that of the general population.


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  • jonty_11
    07-28 12:07 PM
    It is great to see human nature at work. Once united and making phone calls for the 3 lofgren Bills...the same folks are mulling it out over EB2, EB3 and how most of the folks dont even deserve to be either....Interesting fodder for Anti Immi folks.....
    W/o demand there is no supply or acceptance of Foriegn nationals in an alien land. Obviously there are some that abuse teh system...
    But that is not the intention of IV to solve for rooting the abusers out. Its the USCIS's job to do that. Like they abolished the Subs labor process.....they may as well make EB1, 2 and 3 more restrictive they actually did make EB2 more restrictive when PERM was launched...

    So lets all concentrate on what our role in this whole mess is..that is to support IV wholeheartedly...Please focus on the big picture and enjoy life!!!!!!!!!

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  • Ahimsa
    10-25 01:13 PM
    ... Our stand alone SKULL bill - not sure whether that will be considered by Democrats. Democrats will probably address the Dream Act before they take over the SKULL bill...

    ... Yes, but the immigration hearings already happened. People already have a clear indication on what the public wants. Lou Dobbs is still out there reminding them...

    1. Why do you keep mentioning SKIL bill clearly as SKULL bill in all your posts?
    2. Did people clearly indicate they did not want reliefs for EB immigrants - did they accept Lou Dobbs' lies on H-1B such as "H-1Bs do not pay taxes, are cheap labor, are stealing american jobs"?


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  • New Bruce Springsteen

  • dingudi
    02-18 11:07 AM
    I am assuming you guys saw this:

    USCIS will consolidate FPs for 485 and EADs. So if we don't receive biometrics for 485, hopefully we will get one for EAD renewal which will also serve the purpose for 485 processing.

    Note: This only applies to concurrent filers of 485 and EAD.


    Yes I saw that but mine was not concurrent filing. I applied for EAD couple of months after I-485 filing and have also received the EAD.Still waiting for FP though.

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  • Bruce Springsteen Biography

  • greyhair
    09-26 09:39 AM
    I think your idea is good. But this could be very difficult to implement, at least for USCIS.

    Another suggestion is that porting should be automatic. As soon as a person acquires the required qualification for EB2 + a letter from the company that the person's future job will be of EB2 caliber, UCSIS should put him/her in EB2 category. This is some thing we should work on.

    Most of us are analyst by profession. Maybe that is one of the reasons most of us are always engaged in analysis and optimization of the system, to suit our own individual application. All of us believe that the system which suits our individual application is the best system. Anything that doesn't work for us is just screwed-up. Every person is at a different stage so most of the people are always fighting with each other.

    This is some thing we should work on.

    Who should work on this? "WE". You created action item for whom? Who is "WE"?


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  • Bruce Springsteen and The E

  • trueguy
    07-28 09:54 AM
    With EB2 getting all the spillovers, there is no per country limit for any category except EB3-I. Why?

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  • apahilaj
    11-07 01:09 PM
    i am pasting the format. just higlight the receipt date in all cases. no need of metioning notice dat. it should not be counted at all.

    Dear Mr. Prakash ,

    My name is xxxxxx and I am currently working at xxxxx as xxxx.

    My I-485 was filed on July 2,2007 as an employment based application. My wife, xxxxxx, application was filed as a derivative applicant. It has been over 4 months and I have not yet got an apointment for finger printing. I called up USCIS and got a response from Nebraska Service center, where my application is currently pending, that my case is waiting for an opening at local ASC.

    We, residents of Bay Area, are suffering a lot from fingerprinting backlog, due to presence of few ASCs.
    Also, my case was receipted at CSC and transferred back to NSC. Such cases are taking unusually longer for FP appointments. This is quite frustrating as there are other people directly receipted at NSC in August who have got fingerpinting.

    I would greatly appreciate if you could take steps to speed up the process of fingerpinting appointments.

    My details:


    My wife's details:


    Thanks a lot for your time

    Thanks much.

    What is the email address that you sent this to?

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  • Bruce Springsteen

  • gccovet
    07-24 09:44 AM
    Paper filed at TSC on May 22, 2008
    Service center: TSC
    Last LUD on May 29
    No updates since.
    Currently working on EAD and exires in Sept 2008


    Just called the service center and reply I got back was weird. Apparently their case status viewing system is down and will not be up and running for another 1 week. So, no info as of now and call back in 1 week :(

    Same here:
    Service Center : TSC
    File type : Paper Based
    Filed : May 29th
    No update since then:
    EAD Expires 09/08.

    Started to get worried!!! Hoping to get the cards in two weeks else will ask lawyer to look into the matter (Don't know what they can do in this situation)

    05-23 04:36 PM
    Here is the link ( to download above mentioned contacts from the thread.
    Instructions on how to import all the contacts into yahoo address book.

    1. Download the file and save it to desktop.
    2. Click the options on the left when you logon to yahoo mail.
    3. Then click the address book to the right.
    4. Under management, click Import/Export.
    5. Select the yahoo .csv option. Browse to the file and press the import button.
    6. All the addresses should be under your contacts now.

    Can some one post all the email addresses in one place or at least tell me how to do . i am ready to do that


    10-05 12:28 PM
    On the topic of �getting some of our measures during lame-duck session�, I am seeing some speculation (on other sites) that there is a chance these measures getting discussed during that session. I know these are just educated guesses, but it�s encouraging. see following:
    From another thread on this site got this link, about Yale/Ivy League grads not getting H1B�s. There is quote from someone who thinks some immigration measures may be approved in Lame-duck session.
    The House bill, the Senate bill, or some compromise may be approved during Congress' lame-duck session after the general elections in November, Yale-Loehr said.

    This is from a leading corporate immigration law firm�s web page. They provide headlines and commentary on new regulations. There is some speculation about immigration measures getting discussed during lame-duck session:

    The Road From Here:
    On a broader scope, key House and Senate members maintain their position that Congress will examine comprehensive immigration reform in the period after the November election and before the start of the next Congress in January 2007, known as the "lame-duck" session. However, many of those involved in the debate over immigration reform question the ability of negotiators to reach an agreement, given the wide ideological gap between the House and Senate with respect to treatment of America's undocumented population.

    your comments / speculation / educated guess.......??...

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