Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • needhelp!
    09-16 12:00 PM
    Someone reading the thread for the first time should be able to figure out what the plan is.

    man-woman-gc.. can you start a new thread, since you're the one maintaining the spreadsheet?

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  • leo4ever
    02-20 09:00 PM
    Your transaction ID for this payment is: 2ES10053VD0206641.
    and also sent the email to IV.

    I feel bad, i can not participate in the Advocacy days but i am spreading the word to all my friends.


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  • sammyb
    02-14 09:49 AM
    Team IV,

    Good job ... I do recurring contribution and will do $100 for the DC Day :)...

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  • desi3933
    07-08 04:00 PM
    I am not saying that this is a case on employers. If at all it would be a case against the discriminatory laws of the congress which allow someone to stay indefinitely but, do not allow them to work.

    From legal point of view, you are incorrect.

    What do you mean by "not allow them to work"? Actually AC-21 weaken the case you are mentioning. Since pending/approved I-140 allows extension of H-1 indefinitely, that alone takes your point away.

    When I was on H-1, that time one couldn't extend beyond 6 years, no matter what. Now, case is much different. There are so many working for the employer just on the basis of I-140 alone after 6 years of H1.

    Unfair does not always mean illegal.



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  • buddyinsd
    08-20 08:16 PM
    My attorney says it cud also result in delay of the process...its a 50-50 chance.

    Dozn't matter whether u inquire or the attorney doz and thats why they have an option when u call whether u r a representative or the petitioner himself...Anyways if u think its worth a try go for it.

    I think bottom line is it depends on the IO having ur case and sitting on it doing nothing...

    I contacted my Attorney (Its company attorney) and he told me that he will make an enquiry with USCIS. Apparently he has a list of all the pedning cases who are current this month and he is planning to send the list to USCIS.

    Lets see what i get next week. Week 3 done. Week 4 starts!

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  • diptam
    08-18 01:44 PM
    This is not freedom of speech what that guy said. He is raising very bad allegations (without any proof) against the very organization that we have tremendous respect and we all stand for.

    Once again this is my opinion to ban such fellows.

    Thanks !

    DO NOT post such baseless allegations.

    IV core is very much aware of the problems as we ourselves face them, and working within our limited means and time. If you are interested, join us and give your helping hand.


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  • kosars
    08-25 02:47 PM
    applied July 2nd recieved July 3rd. Entered on 23rd Aug. Got the nos from the back of the checks. Waiting for the Receipts in mail

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  • thomachan72
    05-27 08:47 AM
    Hallo friends, I heard unofficial reports that the reason Dem and certain repub senators are so strongly supporting the cause of ilegal immig is because a huge lobbying group comprised of GC holders + citizens belonging to these groups (hispanics) have promised support to these senators. I therefore have a request to make to our more socially strong members in this group, Please contact our associations/groups and request their support. Mainly areas like CA, Chicago, Texas (dallas), washington etc etc where there are a lot of Indian / other foreign community. Lets get them to talk to their senators for us. And if they dont / are not willing to do that, we should also let them know that this will be anounced publicly to the Indian media / Govt. This is an important obligation on their part to support and raise their voice for us. We are a part of them and if they dont stand for us, we have to point that out publicly. Please somebody take charge of this and see that it happens. We H1b holders strugling for ourselves will not make any difference.


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  • chanduv23
    02-17 02:27 PM
    agree, it cannot be really changed by us. even if people willingly try to achieve a new mindset with positive programming, it takes months to achieve.
    Guess we have to work with what we have. There may be a solution, but only people with a similar mindset can come up with it.

    People discuss superbowl, cricket, food, movies, schools, everything, people discuss about their 140, 485 , ead etc... everyone knows there is a problem but pretend as if there is no problem and it is just a part of life.

    Sometime back on IV the motivation levels was different. We did have a sizable crowd during the 2007 rally in DC. We did have 200+ people doing advocacy work.

    I hope people come forward again.

    Looks like we lack people with good leadership qualities on IV now especially a lot of IV members are not active anymore and guess it is just slow.

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  • nogreen4decade
    08-25 12:08 PM
    I never had a soft LUD on my 485 because of EAD renewal.... But one time I saw it, but my lawyers filed AC21 around the same time.... So I would think it was because of AC21.... So I was always under the impression that EAD renewal has no LUD's on 485, based on my experience

    My wife got a soft LUD on 8/21. She has PD of Dec 2005 EB2 (I). I wa shappy to see some activity but then i saw the following thread ( . It looks like some got the soft LUD on their 485 but their EAD was in process and same is the case wiht my wife. She applied for EAD renewal last month.


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  • abhijitp
    07-06 08:29 PM
    Please clarify. I thought it is happening on July 14 or 21.

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  • GCStatus
    09-17 12:55 AM

    First of all, ask yourself the following points before continue reading.

    1. Do I need a Green card at ANY cost ( Any cost = Waiting for yrs, Not willing to risk any other options, afraid to raise issues, not pinpointing flaws )

    2. Willing to fight for justice.

    If you chose the option 1, please stop reading further and good luck.

    For the option 2, here we go.I am new to this web site and it seems there are approx 70k people here and lot more outside. Hugh enough to create miracles.

    Just to remind ourself who we are. We are Highly skilled LEGAL immigrants. It not only means we are skillful but it also means we pay every damn tax which is out there. We pay for welfare. We pay for unemployed. We pay for pensioners. List goes on. We pay fees for every application processed by USCIS ( Labor, I-140,I-485,I-765,I-131 etc etc ). We pay rent. We buy cars. We buy houses. In short, we are nothing but GOLD to this economy.

    However, this one department called USCIS is literally toying with us for yrs now as if we are slaves or we are obligated to them. We dont want anyone to do us any favour. We need justice.

    Friends - I have self respect and i wasn't born chanting Green Card. I AM going to face them, confront them, demand them to provide justice, if not I want them to REFUND every penny i have paid so far. If this "I AM" becomes "WE", half the battle won. TOGETHER WE STAND, VICTORY/JUSTICE FOR ALL. If you are still hesitant, you made a bad choice of choosing option 2. Please go back to option 1.



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  • letsgetit
    05-23 09:04 AM
    Sent email to senators in my area of virginia and also called the senators..Will call more and send emails.
    Thanks IV for the job you are doing...It is indeed commendable.

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  • Caliber
    07-28 10:21 AM
    It is indeed sad that you continue to pontificate from a perch of indifference and ignorance. We all know that the entire EB immigration system is not a zero sum game (just ask Ron Hira and his ilk). Sad thing is, when it comes to EB3 I's, EB 2's such as you suddenly transform into a Ron Hira lite ... going about throwing broad hints about how the system is setup the way it is ... to serve those 'higher in the pecking order'.

    If we were to buy this weak attempt at making a 'logical point', I would be glad to give Ron a call and have his folks look into YOUR respective EB2 applications and find out if there REALLY was "NO" qualified US worker available for that job. Want to play that game?

    Look, the EB system is what it is. Instead of trying to bait others into silence by suddenly finding 'fairness in this system', only because this part of the puzzle narrowly goes to serve / protect your gains ... try to come together to fix the underlying weakness in the system.

    For the record, I am not bitter about a 7+ year 'wait'. On the contrary, I have grown professionally thanks to the opportunity to focus my energies towards building a Billion dollar corporation. That said, I would LOVE to see the paperwork of EB2 Java 'gurus' and L1 converts stand up to true scrutiny ... and that would open a whole new can of worms. Game?

    A great explanation. Your challenge is good. Those who oppose this, should come forward to check if there are really no qualified US Citizens available for their jobs.

    I know many L1 employees of Cognizant who come on L1 as Managers with just 2 years of Experience and file in EB1. Sad part is few people use Legal loopholes and screw all others.


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  • raidohri
    05-23 04:30 PM
    Can some one post all the email addresses in one place or at least tell me how to do . i am ready to do that


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  • GCStatus
    09-15 12:12 PM
    I have sent my contacts ..

    Thanks Krishna

    MAN-WOMAN-GC - Here we go, first one has reached you


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  • ashwaghoshk
    11-17 03:07 PM
    Are we just supposed to enter our infomation on the form? or name, email etc? how does it go to our local congress men?

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  • conchshell
    05-11 08:49 PM
    Its amazing how this community reacts to these set backs. For last few months I have been consistently seeing people with EB-3 complaining and pleading to the community to come together and join hands to eliminate the country cap. But most of the words fell of dumb ears. Most of the EB-2 members did read the pleads and requests, but did not bother to take and concrete actions or even comment on it.
    Now that the EB-2 is regrogressed to 2000, suddenly all the EB-2 members jump in. What happened, friends?
    This is plain selfishness - on the part for few lil stratured people. They should be ashamed of themselves or even to comment on these forums and come up with ideas.

    You got it just right. Dear friend, this is the truth for immigrant community. Everyone here stands for their own GC, how can we expect others to fight for you. So as and when USCIS hurts different categories, people come here and form a loosely coupled organization.

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  • gcbikari
    04-23 05:06 PM
    I understand if the companies want to protect their business. Let�s say that X works at a client place through a vendor. X�s employer has an agreement with the vendor which says that he cannot employ his employee, the vendor has an agreement with the client which says that they cannot take X through another vendor.

    My question is there a validity period for these agreements beyond which it becomes invalid. A couple of years should be ok but it is frustrating to be bonded to some employer for years because one doesn�t have freedom to move around and be with the same client.

    There is a time limit between X's employer and Vendor (they will renew the contract every year or so). But the problem is between X and his employer. As long as X is employed with his employer and usually 1 year there after (i.e. till one year) you can not work at same client performing same duties, this violates non-compete. If client agrees for vendor change, then employer cannot place you because of his agreement with vendor. If you are smart thinker and change both vendor and employer, then non-compete with employer will kick in.

    07-10 09:57 AM
    Article on Pioneer Press in Minneapolis, MN

    09-17 03:49 PM
    For those wondering what's going on in this's a brief synopsis:

    We are collecting pledges to file a lawsuit against USICS against these random and opaque processing of GC's. Our target is to get 1000 affected people to pledge atlaset $100 each so that we can fund this lawsuit. No money being collected right now..just honest pledges.

    There is a current list of members who have pledged support on the link below.

    If you would like to help in this effort, please send me a private message with the following info:
    1) Ur IV handle
    2) Ph#
    3) Email ID
    4) Amount you would like to pledge.

    Please note, we will move forward only if we have atleast 1000 pledged members to make up a sound force behind this campaign. So unity is the key here. We will not collect money unless we have a solid proof that we are not alone in this fight.

    Once again..we have nothing to lose...but a big gain if we can gather enough support and raise our voice against thsis open injustice.

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