Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • Naveen
    05-04 09:03 PM
    thanks vbkris,
    I was about to post similar reply.

    We need INA language. nothing more nothing less.

    As of this post. I could not find the law linking ebdependents with ebquota.

    wow its pouring reds and uncivilised comments for pointing out this. Ok. well i am going to continue anyway!

    INA: ACT 203 - ALLOCATION OF IMMIGRANT VISAS \ Act 203(c) \ Section (d)

    (d) Treatment of Family Members. - A spouse or child as defined in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), (D), or (E) of section 101(b)(1) shall, if not otherwise entitled to an immigrant status and the immediate issuance of a visa under subsection (a), (b), or (c), be entitled to the same status, and the same order of consideration provided in the respective subsection, if accompanying or following to join, the spouse or parent.

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  • hebbar77
    09-13 09:34 PM
    I agree to the point that: we pay for unemployment , SS tax etc when we ourselves are not eligible for any of that if we continue on H1, in fact we are supposed to exit this country when we loose job!!!
    what a joke...
    also did u see this in history:
    when europeans came here abt 500 years back, natives did not welcome them nor liked them. Now legal immigrants are coming , and you know how they are treated!!
    so I guess system is behaving like normal. Its upto us to fight the system...
    by demanding GC , we(for us and our generations) are asking for right to apply for citizenship, ultimately a right on the resource of this country(all resources including natural resource). So there has got to be fight/effort to get it. It will not come just doing what we do for living.

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  • santhi_krishna
    08-13 11:06 PM
    Congrats! Can you please tell us where your I140 was approved from. Are the checks cashed?

    My I140 is pending with NSC since Jan 2007. My attorney issued the checks, So I don't know whether the checks cashed or not.

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  • saimrathi
    07-07 10:28 PM
    Great job.. This is exactly what we need.. National coverage on this issue..


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  • Lisap
    09-11 04:11 PM
    Hi Lisap,

    I got an email last night saying EAD card ordered on Sep8 which is a saturday.. This morning I got two emails again saying that same card was ordered on Sep 10. However this is the spouse's ead and I see the lud as 9/10 on 5 of our 485/ead/ap apps. However spouse AP (whose ead was ordered) still has 9/5. I don't understand y they approve one and take time for the other. I think their system has some issues...

    Did ur case status say 'ordered' before you got the ead in mail?


    No mine did not say that for myself or my husband. It just said approval notice sent. It still says the same thing it has never changed or been updated. It could be there system- who knows! I hope you get yours soon! Keep me updated.

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  • makemygc
    06-22 11:05 AM
    My labour and I-140 is approved last year and I am working with current employer from last 1 and half years. Employer is making good money trough me.

    As now the dates are current, my employer is trying to exploit me.
    He is not responding to my mails, and not picking my phone.

    Last modified message which I got from him is that:

    The whole financials for the company changes with filing 485 for you immediately. So, it is definitely a loss for company to process your 485 immediately.

    you need to come with items that you are ready to compromise in return; so that the company also benefits by helping you."

    I am very much in tension and he is talking to me.

    Can someone suggest what may be the option for me?

    This is really a sorry situation. On one side your employer is saying wholy company's fiancial is dependent on you and on other side he is asking how can you benefit company. There is not much you can do other than doing a sweet talk him and see if you can come up with some compromise.
    He might ask you to sign some bond to stay in the company for next few years. See if you can reduce that duration as well as get the surety that will not impact your increment.

    Although several people will advise you for the aggresive stance but I don't think you would like to move in that direction.

    Other option is to file your I-485 youself or through some attorney ( other than your employer's), if you have the employment letter and I-140 approval.


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  • knnmbd
    05-05 11:58 AM
    Dear admins,

    I think deleting my post was not fair. The other people who have been bashing us with MS degrees need to also have their posts deleted.

    I was not offensive in anyway, I just pointed out the reality of the situation and that is not "being offensive."

    If you are afraid of alienating some of your contributors, well then by deleting the posts of ppl with Masters degrees you risk alienating them.

    If I offended the admin personally if he/she does not have a masters degree, I apologize for hurting your "feelings" but that does not allow you to delete my post .

    Finally, since 99% of the time the admins come back with not relevant to the thread, I agree on that ground but respectfully request the deletion of posts by a bunch of others like the "hiring manager" who instigated this discussion.

    Can you also delete posts where there was some bashing of people with advanced degrees, just to make it fair? I think the whole thing was started by the guy (GCsucks) by addressing people who attend U.S universities as "Kids" and I agree with "yabadaba" that this is reality and we were just pointing out what the issues are. If it's a case of sour grapes then may be that guy should vent his frustration else where or easier GET HIMSELF AN ADVANCED DEGREE IN THE U.S

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  • abq_gc
    08-18 01:18 PM
    This issue cannot be solved through Lawsuit. What are the other alternatives?

    What are reasons .. as to why it cant be solved by lawsuit ?? Are u afraid that they might stop processing any I-485 applications for EB2-I until the lawsuit gets resolved ??


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  • calgirl
    07-20 02:42 PM
    Is there any way of knowing how much each user has contributed? (I am not interested in knowing about others ) but would be nice to know atleast for myself how much I contributed.


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  • rbharol
    10-24 04:17 PM
    As we get closer to election day it seems that Democrats will have control of the Congress. All the polls that have been and are being conducted show that the Democrats are leading the Republicans by double digits.

    If Democrats win the CIR will get through but the there will be a huge backlog as there arent enough people at USCIS to do the work, which in a way is retrogession. There will be relief for people with advanced degrees but on paper only.As it will still take years for their paperwork to get through USCIS, others will be in a worse situation as the waiting line would be huge.

    If Republicans win there will be no CIR as pointed out by others in the thread. However, SKIL might get through and that will help shorten the waiting period for people without advanced degrees.

    Based on my analysis (which might be completely wrong), I think we are better off with Republicans.

    You may be right but world does not run as per our wishes.
    If it did, I would wish only those senators and Congressmen getting elected who would support SKIL Bill :) No matter what party they belong to!


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  • SKK2004
    08-25 02:08 PM
    Thank you, texcan. FP may not be requierd for EAD renewal or first-time EAD? Mine is first time EAD. So, eseentially no FP yet for 485 (filed August 07) and first time EAD (this August)!

    Thanks again!

    Congrats on EAD renewal. Enjoy and relax; please donot get in habbit of worry for anything and everything.

    Anyways, paper based ead renewal donot require finger prints. Search the forum, this has been stated many time.


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  • Hopeful1
    02-17 03:20 PM
    Your transaction ID for this payment is: 11531931731379304.

    Go IV Go!


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  • snathan
    02-17 11:10 AM
    I dont see people coming forward untill they see something serious. Like a rally or something.

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  • mygoodluck
    08-13 03:53 PM
    Just saw my cheque cashed.. I think it got transferred over to TSC. I sent to NSC on Jul 2. And yes i had LUD in my I-140 as 7/28

    can you tell by the images of cashed checks that were they cashed by TSC or NSC... or any kind of SRC# or LIN# on them to indicated whether it was cashed by TSC or NSC?


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  • hpandey
    07-20 05:07 PM
    IV could not even collect 20K in the Washington DC drive. I hardly saw EB3 folks contributing (based on my observation, I might be wrong so take it easy). If every EB3 person contributes 50USD, it will be enough to run a campaign. Action is the key, not posting in forums. Hope we get out of this EB2 vs EB3 and as focus on visa recapture.

    I am EB3 and I contributed to every IV campaign including the last DC advocacy. Just because all IV efforts end up helping only EB2 does not mean EB3 people do not contribute or participate in advocacy efforts. Its just that no one wants to hear about EB3 whether it be USCIS or anyone else. :mad:

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  • raju123
    07-11 10:08 AM
    Good job Raju. Thanks a lot,0,5061439.story

    I am going to call the reporter and thank him again.


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  • garybanz
    11-21 01:34 PM
    Lets us all Pray and hope for the best for Mehul

    May God give strength to your family and you to deal with this situation. I don't think any of us can do any thing to ease your family and your pain, but we will pray for you. You have all our wishes and support.


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  • StarSun
    02-07 08:34 AM
    Thank you members for donating.

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  • xlr8r
    07-19 09:45 PM
    I pledge $200.

    05-23 06:03 PM
    Sent IV press release to major newspapers/ news services using AILA website.
    Thank you for the all the links!!

    A little checklist to encourage other IV members to work on action items.

    1) Funding Drive
    Just made paypal contribution for $100.

    2) Media Drive
    Sent IV press release ( to major Newspapers/Magazines/Television Networks/News Services using AILA site

    3) Email to Senators
    Sent to all senators in list by visiting their sites.

    4) IV Fax

    Will work on (5) Phone Campaign ( as soon as I get chance at work.

    04-22 02:21 PM
    I work for company A which sent me to client C through company B(Prefered vendor). After working with the same client for 1.5 yrs, transfered my h1b to company B(PF) due to issues with the pay with company A. Company A has deducted huge sum of money($4000) from my last months pay towards PERM filing(Still under process). Upon demanding them to reimburse my money saying that its against law, they r threatening me saying that based on non-compete agreement they will take legal action against me.
    I am not actually aware of the clauses in the agreement. company B(PF) told me that it does not have any clauses in its agreement with company A prohibiting them from taking me.Though i requested company A to provide me a copy of non-compete, they said i signed with them, they haven�t. The company is located in NJ and not sure how non-competes work under NJ state law.
    I am really frustated upon this blackmail and going thru lot of pressure. The amount is too big too leave and cannot afford to hire a lawyer in case they file suit based on non-compete. even if i had signed a non compete agreement how does it stand as it is conflicting the agreement which company a signed with PF sayign tht upon my termination of the emplyment with them, Pf can take me without any gap period... what can i do to get my money. they also refused to provide me with experience letter which i need for my future GC filing.
    Plz give me ur valuable inputs

    Restrictive employment contracts are non-enforcable, atleast in California. Here's a classic case of a H1B employee who successfully sued his employer on a restrictive employment contract and the employer was ordered to pay $215,050.61 in damages.

    Also note that all PERM related expenses should be borne only by the employer. Refer the following link and search for "Certain Payments are Employer's Expenses under PERM" and "Employer Must Pay even with Dual Representation "

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