Wednesday, June 29, 2011

david duchovny tea leoni 2011

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  • Tea Leoni amp; David Duchovny

  • ganguteli
    07-08 11:11 AM
    Where is Moira from Buisnessweek?

    Why can't she cover this?

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  • David Duchovny and Tea Leoni

  • kshitijnt
    04-25 08:26 PM
    All the desi employers I ran into or my friends ran into turned out to be blood suckers. before that I was employed by an american company for 6 years and I had no complaint whatsoever.

    I think most of us desis consider other desis to be inferior and treat them so.

    Atleast your DESI employers start GC early maybe after 6 months. Most american employers dont even start GC until you are in 5th year of H1. Employers are employers, they dont come with nationalities on their forehead. There are so many american companies who have filed bankruptcy when a large payment was pending and your desi employer attempted to recover it.

    david duchovny tea leoni 2011. Leoni and David Duchovny,
  • Leoni and David Duchovny,

  • qasleuth
    02-12 12:18 PM
    D%ck weed, I came to this country with the intention of studying and then working, but doing so legally.

    Many of your posts are sensible but you use language which does not befit your self-imposed imaginary high standards. Anyways, the quoted statement itself shows moral contradictions and you have misrepresented your intentions when you went to the consulate. F1 is a non-immigrant visa with the underlying implication that you return to your home country. Please get off your high horse.

    2011 David Duchovny and Tea Leoni david duchovny tea leoni 2011. David Duchovny and Tea Leoni
  • David Duchovny and Tea Leoni

  • gc_bulgaria
    09-20 01:20 PM

    I called them and reached an IO officer and told her that I see my checks are cashed and there is a receipt number behind the check but its illegible and can she confirm the numbers for me. She asked for DOB, address, full name etc. and then gave me the receipt numbers for EAD, AP and AOS.

    But if your checks are cashed then the receipt notice must be in the mail.:)


    david duchovny tea leoni 2011. Tea_Leoni - David Duchovny and
  • Tea_Leoni - David Duchovny and

  • arihant
    05-02 11:44 AM

    I read it the same way as you. The only difference I see here from provisions in CIR is that this seems to make a distinction between advanced degree holders from US vs outside. Looks like advanced degree holders from US do not have the 3 year restriction. This also seems to be consistent with section 203 where the employer would be allowed to start the GC process for US educated students while they are in OPT stage itself.

    david duchovny tea leoni 2011. David Duchovny and Tea Leoni
  • David Duchovny and Tea Leoni

  • mariner5555
    05-01 02:51 PM
    Didn't Logfren ask that question to USCIS during last July?
    no idea actually ..did she get a reply ? ..yes. I remember something like this was posted ..does anyone have the figures ? last year EB3 - I got 19,000 ..visas ..that is correct, right ?


    david duchovny tea leoni 2011. David Duchovny and Tea Leoni:
  • David Duchovny and Tea Leoni:

  • abhisam
    07-15 12:42 AM
    I have finally received my FP notice today for my I-485. My case was NSC-CSC-NSC. Never made any service request.

    I have recently applied (paper based) for renewal of EAD and AP. Not sure if that triggered the FP notice.

    I wish good luck to those who are still waiting for FP notice.

    When did u apply for your ead? i am in the same boat and have filed for paper based EAD. hope to get my fp notice soon.

    2010 Leoni and David Duchovny, david duchovny tea leoni 2011. David Duchovny and Tea
  • David Duchovny and Tea

  • sunny1000
    07-08 05:58 PM
    In Fox News this afternoon, the senator has explicitly said that the Chicago lady does not have any "constituional rights" since she is not American citizen. Go figure what they think about us.

    The congressman is wrong.


    david duchovny tea leoni 2011. David Duchovny amp; Tea Leoni
  • David Duchovny amp; Tea Leoni

  • jk999
    08-18 02:40 PM
    How do you know that people with more recent priority dates are getting approved and you have been left out? You know this because these members of IV share this info with you and you are talking about using this info against them.

    I won't be surprised if this will discourage people to just silently leave the forum after getting approvals.

    hair David Duchovny and Tea Leoni david duchovny tea leoni 2011. David Duchovny [amp; Wife];Tea
  • David Duchovny [amp; Wife];Tea

  • gc_kaavaali
    04-20 10:32 AM
    As far as my knowledge is concerned they cannot hold your wage amount...this is against law...They have to pay your wages completely...If you owe them they have to talk/fight (through law suit or something else) with you seperately...but that too after paying your wages...You can fight for your salary.

    I work for company A which sent me to client C through company B(Prefered vendor). After working with the same client for 1.5 yrs, transfered my h1b to company B(PF) due to issues with the pay with company A. Company A has deducted huge sum of money($4000) from my last months pay towards PERM filing(Still under process). Upon demanding them to reimburse my money saying that its against law, they r threatening me saying that based on non-compete agreement they will take legal action against me.
    I am not actually aware of the clauses in the agreement. company B(PF) told me that it does not have any clauses in its agreement with company A prohibiting them from taking me.Though i requested company A to provide me a copy of non-compete, they said i signed with them, they haven�t. The company is located in NJ and not sure how non-competes work under NJ state law.
    I am really frustated upon this blackmail and going thru lot of pressure. The amount is too big too leave and cannot afford to hire a lawyer in case they file suit based on non-compete. even if i had signed a non compete agreement how does it stand as it is conflicting the agreement which company a signed with PF sayign tht upon my termination of the emplyment with them, Pf can take me without any gap period... what can i do to get my money. they also refused to provide me with experience letter which i need for my future GC filing.
    Plz give me ur valuable inputs


    david duchovny tea leoni 2011. Entertainment ». Tea Leoni and
  • Entertainment ». Tea Leoni and

  • tonyHK12
    02-17 03:19 PM
    My friend, there is a LOT of difference between the words "rant" and "idea". It is very difficult to confuse between the two:

    I wasn't talking about confusion, like I said these are irrelevant to this thread.

    hot Tea_Leoni - David Duchovny and david duchovny tea leoni 2011. Tea Leoni and David Duchovny
  • Tea Leoni and David Duchovny

  • Libra
    09-04 10:12 AM
    congrats heathere3, and welcome to IV. there is a rally on sep 18th in DC if you dont know about it. please participate in rally and contribute in whatever way you can. thanks.

    I received my receipts from the lawyer this morning. July 2nd applicaiton to NSC, transfered to TSC, labour approved TSC in Aug 2006.
    EB-3 ROW
    PD: Aug 2006
    RD: July 2, 2007
    ND: Aug. 24, 2007
    EAD: ??
    AP ??


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  • David Duchovny Overcoming

  • unitednations
    03-07 04:41 PM
    Hey UN, with your experience, are you seeing a pattern of denials, etc happening to non bodyshopper, non consultants as well? as in, is this whole DOL/USCIS crack down across the board or is it mostly restricted to desi consultants/bodyshopers?

    The situation on the ground is this:

    L-1 extensions for software related jobs are pretty much now dead. TCS, IBM, etc., are getting denied. USCIS has changed their definition of "specialized knowledge". Now, "specialized knowledge"means no on in USA has that knowledge and cannot obtain that knowledge through training.

    Staffing companies; small companies or companies who are h-1b dependent (larger comapnies) are stuck in Vermont Service Center. There are some that aren't having problems but usually it starts with one case stuck in background check; followed by a few approvals; then another one stuck in background check and then all of a sudden all cases are stuck in background check. The scrutiny uscis is giving these types of cases is tremondous and they are denying all of them. Right now; if you monitor the forums you are starting to see the denials. However, vermont service center was sticking cases in background check since fall of 2007. Now; those cases are being worked on and denied. We are just at the beginning of this.

    Traditioinal American companies; h-1b and greencard have become toxic and political. Many of them aren't filing greencards for people due to layoffs or too many poeple responding to the advertisements. I haven't seen h-1b issues with them yet. However, if they are not going to do GC then what is the point.

    Staffing companies had easiest time filing labors becuse they don't layoff people. However, after Iowa issue now they have started cancelling h-1b's for people on bench, etc. There are so many transfer requests in open market right now; but companies aren't filing because they are getting rid of their own people and it would be foolish to bring on more people in non productive status. However, when they are cancelling h-1b's and sending people back; it is a layoff and that would preclude them from filing greencards.

    I do know of one person working at FEDEX as a permanent employee (she has greencard); she told me that FEDEX has taken the detemination that they will not be filing greencards for anyone in the near future. Person can stay until duration of their h-1b but then that will be it.

    perm labors used to go through in matter of days. Anything mor then 3 weeks was considered a long time. Now; there is high rate of denials and DOL turning up the scrutiny as to layoffs and general workforce in the place of inteneded employment.


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  • abq_gc
    08-18 01:23 PM
    Security background should not be an issue more... It is pathetic that folks with PD 2002 are still waiting... You guys are silently sufferiing , it is time that you remain silent no more.

    I am with Sunny... we have to do something.... and something before this year ends... who knows what the heck will happen once OCT comes... this window is critical..


    pictures David Duchovny and Tea Leoni: david duchovny tea leoni 2011. X-Files star David Duchovny
  • X-Files star David Duchovny

  • sathishav
    02-14 02:03 PM
    Contributed $50. Will contribute more Apr.

    (Unique Transaction ID #7VF446858B266490E)

    dresses Tea Leoni and David Duchovny david duchovny tea leoni 2011. Tea Leoni and David Duchovny
  • Tea Leoni and David Duchovny

  • arihant
    06-11 05:39 PM
    They sent you receipt before cashing the checks?

    Most likely the check was deposited earlier, but his/her bank statement had a delay in updating. Sometimes, when the amount in the check is large, it goes through a review process by banks and so your bank statement will not update for a few days after the check was actually deposited.


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  • visli_com
    02-18 07:41 PM
    Tomorrow will be my FP at santa ana,ca , my case was nsc->csc->nsc. 2nd july filer.

    girlfriend TAG david duchovny, tea leoni david duchovny tea leoni 2011. More good news for David and
  • More good news for David and

  • amitjoey
    11-19 05:13 PM
    There is a golden opportunity right now for once to reduce/maybe eliminate backlog. We can piggyback on the Dream act- gaining momentum and add just two very uncontentious and related ammendments to benefit us.

    Please take the action item seriously and after you have sent emails out, Please encourage others to do the same.
    Then take appointments at your congressman/woman/senators office next week. Ask them to support the two ammendments to the DREAM ACT. That is it!!

    Do not talk about any other issue while at the appointment, the message we need right now is for them (the lawmakers) is to support those two ammendments, DO NOT DILUTE THE MESSAGE By adding/confusing them with other related issues or personal issues.

    hairstyles Entertainment ». Tea Leoni and david duchovny tea leoni 2011. David Duchovny and Tea
  • David Duchovny and Tea

  • IndiaBULL
    09-26 01:11 AM
    shall IV begin to do something which is achievable, like earlier 485 submission and quarterly spill over?

    I agree..

    Originally Posted by saketkapur View Post
    Guys this year's party is pretty much over ....whts the point debating something whether right or wrong which pretty much nobody can do anything about except went frustration from whichever side of the isle one sits on.....

    As per Mr C.O. of USCIS I guess they have sent out the party invitation for the year so I guess there is no point sniping at each other. New inivitations will start from July next yr...

    Take a chill pill guys....its a weekend.....get a beer....enjoy life( beleive me GC or no GC these days will not come by:make the most)
    I agree..

    08-13 08:01 PM
    My attorney just emailed me, she received receipt notices for 485, EAD and AP for both me and my wife.

    My application was received on July 2nd 9:01 AM, if it matters it was signed by R Mickels. Also, there is no LUD change on my I140 application, so I guess LUD changes on I-140 mean nothing.

    I have not seen the notices yet so I dont know what the notice dates are.

    Did the checks got cashed. ???

    02-09 05:16 PM
    Setting up a bill pay for $20.

    pal :)

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