Sunday, June 26, 2011

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    08-04 02:30 PM
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  • eb3_nepa
    04-16 11:21 PM
    Dont the bill have to be placed in federal register after the Prez signs it, for 90 days for it to be law? I remember so from the PERM regulation timeline.

    Do you have any kind of documentation or a Link for this by any chance?

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  • ho_gaya_kaya_?
    01-12 06:48 PM
    Hey Bhnupriya

    could you please post some tips on how to form the sample letter for I140 ?

    i need both I140 as well as copy of labor


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  • gcwait2007
    12-25 10:12 PM
    If you are stuck in name check over a year and PD was current, you can file WOM. Add the Secretary of State (Rice) as a defendant. Check this order where the court ordered the government to issue visa numbers (!) to long-delayed AOS applicants.

    Q2. Yes, see 8 USC 1151, 8 USC 1153. Check this thread for details.

    Guru Lazycis,

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  • rimzhim
    06-01 01:57 PM
    Plus, H1B is debated and decided upon (pro-H1B's are quite happy as-is), EB has not been debated at all.
    And when they vote, they may delete the H1B from the cap-removal and retain the GC, which will be just fine for us. We should support this amendment. It might go through after some changes.


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  • sobers
    03-01 06:19 PM
    Look at what NumbersUSA has got to say about the effectiveness of its mass faxing/emailing strategy...


    From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
    Date: Wednesday 1MAR06 5:30 p.m. EST

    Day 3-----Media confirm your calls/faxes making a difference in fighting Specter's amnesty


    "Despite the breadth of interest groups
    advocating an expanded guest-worker program,
    the enforcement-only crowd makes considerably
    more noise on Capitol Hill, if the flood
    of mail, e-mail and phone calls to member
    offices is any indication."

    The power of what you are doing has been confirmed in a big story in The Hill newspaper. This daily publication is the community newspaper for the tens of thousands of people who work in congressional offices on Capitol Hill.

    It claims that the power of your phoning and faxing may be countering the power of the Chamber of Commerce, religious lobbies, ethnic lobbies, ACLU and cheap-labor corporations combined.

    With the Senate Judiciary Committee prepared to start tomorrow (Thursday) voting on amendments to the giant amnesty bill of its chairman, Sen. Specter, the newspaper stated that the open borders positions are supported by one of the largest and most powerful blocs of groups ever assembled.

    But the newspaper reported that you all may be more influential:

    "A handful of single-issue groups opposing
    the guest-worker program have effectively
    put the other side on the defensive since
    President Bush first announced his intentions
    to push comprehensive immigration reform, as
    evidenced by the administration's backtracking
    since Bush first proposed such a program in
    January 2004.

    "One of those groups, Numbers USA, has 135,000
    registered activists throughout the country and
    an e-mail list in excess of 1 million subscribers,
    all of whom have signed up voluntarily, said
    Caroline Espinosa, a spokeswoman for the group.
    A link on the Numbers USA website also allows browsers
    to fax a personal note to members of Congress in
    support of increased enforcement of illegal immigration."

    None of this changes the fact that most Senators want to have 2 million to 3 million foreign workers and their families being added to our laborforce and communities each year.

    But we are getting reports from the Hill and from many of you that many of them are starting to show some signs of concern about how their open-borders voting may affect their standing back home.

    We don't like being called "anti-immigration," but we like what the reporter said he found in talking to people in the Senate:

    "The anti-immigration crowd has political momentum
    at this stage in the fight, with congressional
    Republicans wary to cast any vote that could turn
    off their conservative base during this critical
    election year, but members will also have a hard
    time ignoring such a broad cross-section of business,
    labor and social groups with their own self-interested

    Now, if we could just get more Democratic Senators to start worrying about their base.

    Well, we got a little sign of hope on that front today. The AFL-CIO -- which is selling out its tradition and its American members by pushing an amnesty -- has come out against Specter's and McCain's amnesty bills because they have gigantic foreign guestworker programs. That gives hope that some Democratic Senators would vote against these bills. And it is doubtful that the Republican open-border Senators would vote for an amnesty that didn't include the guestworker provisions so sought by the Chamber of Commerce.


    What you have been doing is working. You have kept phones and fax machines ringing since first-thing Monday morning through this minute. Do not let up.

    Click here for actions to take.


    Our seven-person Capitol Hill Team of professionals will be in the Committee Room and other key Capitol Hill locations all day assisting our six-person Website Team to provide you with updates and help in where your activism can do the most good.

    The reason you NumbersUSA activists are seen as the primary constituency pressure force on the Hill in pushing sensible immigration policies is because of the work that I know most of you will do tomorrow.

    Just go to our Hot Topics page, which has links for detailed analysis of the bill.

    Thanks for all you can do. And thanks for all the reports that you have been sending back to us on what you hear when you call. Our Capitol Team makes good use of your reports.


    -- ROY

    If you have time, you might enjoy reading some more of The Hill article:

    "Numbers USA also does objective and subjective
    summaries of each bill introduced on the issue
    and notifies subscribers in advance of any
    important actions on Capitol Hill, such as this
    week's markup. As such, the group was expected to
    send an alert asking those supporters living in
    states represented by members of the Senate
    Judiciary Committee to call or fax their members
    in anticipation of that markup.

    "Battling with groups like Numbers USA is an
    uncommon experience for many members of the business
    community because they do not regularly work on
    such socially sensitive topics.

    "We don't usually end up on the other side of single-issue groups," Gay said. "That's unusual for us."

    * * * * *

    "The National Restaurant Association usually does not join forces with the National Council of La Raza, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce rarely, if ever, aligns itself with the Conference of Catholic Bishops.

    "But those organizations and many others have come together in support of a comprehensive immigration-reform bill that would expand guest-worker programs and offer undocumented workers already in this country a path to citizenship. They are up against an aggressive cross-section of single-issue organizations that favor increased enforcement of immigration laws and have condemned any legislation that would allow undocumented workers already here eventually to become citizens.

    "With the Senate Judiciary Committee expected to mark up its version of the immigration bill Thursday, groups on either side of the issue have geared up for a hard fight, and the vehemence and intractability of either side should make compromise particularly difficult for lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

    "A unique coalition of divergent interest groups have rallied in support of a bill introduced by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.).

    "he fact that the Chamber of Commerce needs comprehensive immigration reform is very good," said Flavia Jimenez, an outreach director for the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic advocacy organization.

    "Members of the business community also appreciate working with groups such as La Raza because it allows the overarching coalition to communicate with Republicans and Democrats alike on Capitol Hill.

    "It's nice actually to get to work with these guys," said John Gay, a senior vice president for government affairs with the National Restaurant Association, which co-chairs the Essential Worker Immigration Coalition (EWIC), a group of more than 40 business and trade associations seeking comprehensive reform.

    "Because the many groups within this broad coalition have slightly different priorities, they must communicate regularly to push common themes. In the end, these organizations are all fighting for what they consider the best interests of their dues-paying members.

    "Despite the breadth of interest groups
    advocating an expanded guest-worker program,
    the enforcement-only crowd makes considerably
    more noise on Capitol Hill, if the flood
    of mail, e-mail and phone calls to member
    offices is any indication."

    This may be a good time for you to make sure that you've let us know all of the areas you are interested in. In order to further customize the type of alerts you receive click here

    As a NumbersUSA subscriber, you will receive occasional emails about immigration-related opportunities. If you want to increase or reduce the frequency of these emails, click here and choose from Total Activism, Moderate Activism, or Limited Activism at the bottom of your registration form:

    NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.

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  • swamy
    01-02 12:57 PM
    I am from ATL

    eduction evaluation done by a prof from GA sate university
    and my transcripts.

    Spend some money and get your credentials evaluated by a professional organization - you should be able to locate one online. Some prof giving his opinion wont cut it with USCIS.


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  • vine93
    08-06 09:19 PM
    Please sit together and talk.

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  • ras
    02-07 12:18 PM
    Any guess!!!


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  • SGP
    02-04 02:52 PM
    Congrats on your freedom my friend. Fly like an Eagle. I am really happy to see a fellow member break open the shackles which were holding him back. Don't forget us and keep bumping up this thread for people like us.
    God Bless.

    $$$$$$$$$$$$$Good Afternoon GC$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    If you will be benefited by �I-485 filing without current priority Date�, please vote YES on the Poll.
    Then please send an email to with subject - "I485 filing without current PD - Impacted Member". Include your 1) IV username 2) Email address 3) Ph#, 4) State of Residence, 5)Priority Date so that grassroot efforts can be coordinated. Please refer to the first post on the thread and use the flier,talk to your friends/colleagues to spread the message.We need all members to get involved

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  • digital2k
    07-17 04:43 PM


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  • mhtanim
    02-26 10:27 AM
    Hi one question,,,if I go home to my country to study using H4 while my GC is pending,then suddenly the GC was sent to my sister here in US,can my sister just mail my GC to me in my country so that if i go back here in the US,i can present my GC to the US immigration???uh!im confussed!thanks!

    Congratulations on your GC. Yes, tell your sister to send you the GC by mail. Once you get it, you can get back into the U.S. using your GC. I know few people who have done this. Good luck.

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  • kranti_veer
    08-13 01:52 AM
    looks like vldrao got his GC and took a hike ;)

    Yea...expect to have Vldrao back after the visa bulletin is out.

    Where is mr. rao?


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  • GC20??
    08-12 03:26 PM
    As my priority date is current I contacted my local congressman's office for help with my I-485. NSC replied back to the office (see reply below) saying my background checks are still on. But the officer at the infopass appointment said my backgrounds checks are complete. I don't know whom to believe.

    Is this some kind of standard reply that USCIS is giving for Congressman's or Senators case status inquiry?

    Good morning XXXXXXXXXXX,
    Re: I-485s <Applicant Name>

    I have conversed with those in charge of these cases.
    The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is
    committed to adjudicating immigration benefits in a timely, efficient
    manner that ensures public safety and national security.

    Toward that end, USCIS requires extensive background checks for every
    application or petition it adjudicates. While background checks for
    most applications or petitions are completed quickly, a small percentage
    of cases involve unresolved background check issues that result in
    adjudication delays.

    Background checks involve more than just the initial submission of and
    response related to biographical information and fingerprints. When
    checks and/or a review of an administrative record reveal an issue
    potentially impacting an applicant's eligibility for the requested
    immigration benefit, further inquiry is needed. The inquiry may include
    an additional interview and/or the need to contact another agency for
    updates or more comprehensive information. If it is determined that an
    outside agency possesses relevant information about a case, USCIS
    requests such information for review. Upon gathering and assessing all
    available information, USCIS then adjudicates the application as
    expeditiously as possible.

    We have checked into your constituent's case and have been assured that
    the agency is aware of your inquiry, and is monitoring progress related
    to it. However, unresolved issues in your constituent's case require
    thorough review before a decision can be rendered. Unfortunately, we
    cannot speculate as to when this review process will be completed.

    We realize that your constituent may feel frustrated by delays related
    to his or her case. As an agency, we must weigh individual
    inconvenience against the broader concerns of public safety and national

    We hope this information and assurance are helpful. If we may be of
    assistance in the future, please let us know.

    I hope this information is helpful to you. At this time I am closing the
    inquiry on this matter.

    Thank you,

    <Officer Name>

    Immigration Services Officer

    NSC Congressional Unit

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  • gc_kaavaali
    12-10 02:53 PM
    Please consider contributing IV...IV need your help to resolve our immigration problems.


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  • shree772000
    10-15 05:17 PM
    Considering the lowered cost of stock I am planning to gets my hands dirty in stock. But I don't have much knwoeldge about it. Also, by the time I find resouces to learn more about stock, the prices might ahve gone up.

    So can anyone provide good online tools to know more about investing on stocks and buying stocks online...


    There are way better places than this forum to discuss about stocks. You will get much more response from those sites as the people there share similiar intrests as you. I do not understand the point in discussing stocks here.

    Would you go to liquor store and buy groceries?

    What you are trying to do is similiar.

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  • texanmom
    09-17 01:56 PM

    I am sorry that your calls were not returned. I am one of the state chapter leaders, and I am working remote supporting the core team.

    To tell you the truth, I know it is crazy at the Situation room. Everyone is very busy trying to keep up with 134 appointments we have sceduled today and also training all the folks that are coming in for these meetings. Everything except the most important tasks are falling through the cracks since the volunteers are overloaded.

    Please PM me, I am sure we could use your talent.
    Best regards,
    - texanmom

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  • leo2606
    07-29 01:09 PM
    Old Pork Chops asked:
    Has anyone heard of cases where immigration lawyers have successfully petitioned on behalf of parents of a US baby (way before the age of 18) to become GC holders or citizens?

    But he didn't ask if the application is through Baby or Not (he just asked petitioned on behalf of parents of a US baby).

    So I was just saying My application is filed in EB2 through my employment being parent of a US baby.I tried to be funny but I got red square for my reputation:(

    Any way I would like to be out of this thread.

    I did not understand your answer.
    How come your 4 year old son apply in EB2 category and sponsor the parents. I know the application is for future employment. But this one is stretching too far? :)

    October 23rd, 2005, 08:59 AM
    Hi Michael, nice shots. It's easy to see that you brought the discipline and hard work of your nature work to the studio. What was your lighting setup? Flash? strobes?...
    Thanks, Kevin. I'm somewhat embarassed, as I did not use any lighting setup, so your attribution of hard work is, I fear, a little misplaced. I have this house with full floor-to-ceiling windows, and was using natural morning light, diffused by the fog that has hung over the bay for the last week in the AM. I used the camera's meter, either spot or center weighted, with manual bracketing when I thought that was insufficient, as was the case with the wreath & red roses.
    ...I would be interested in knowing the shooting parameters of these shots, what lenses used, etc...
    I was using the 1DMII, and three lenses; the 50mm f/1.8, 100mm f/2.8 Macro, and my newly purchased 16-35mm f/2.8L. Most important was the Manfrotto tripod that allows nearly infinite positioning flexibility. As I said before, I made a cheesy PVC pipe frame and welders clips to hang backgrounds (<10 min fabrication time, <$10). All cases used low f stops, 2-6, & long exposures at low ISO for better quality. I was using the low f stops to help hide the imprefections in the background and give the soft focus effect the customer is looking for.

    Good luck! I'm off to the Islands for a week.
    I hope islands far from caribbean hurricanes!!

    Thanks for the input, all. I suppose that I ought to look at getting some lights... Since I was using natural light, we (customer & I) didn't finish yesterday, and I will have to do the last pieces today (about 2 dozen total). That will also allow me to go over contact sheets with her.

    04-13 08:47 AM
    Guys please send your comments befor it is too late.

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