Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • pappu
    03-12 07:40 AM
    Well, I am not annonymous and not ran away :). I read all the posts here and having a sense of "belonging". And the word "helpless" comes to mind.

    Thank you ALL for responding to my post.

    I also sent an email to my congress-women and lets see if go through.

    Thanks again to all of you out there.
    Thanks for responding.
    Pls consider adding your story in the thread
    Pls update your profile with your contact information and name so that we can get your plight published and make some impact via media. Thanks for being part of the struggle. This community understands your plight and we are also in the same boat. Lets use this energy to work on IV action items and enable a change in the broken immigration system.

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  • anilsal
    12-16 09:29 AM
    it will be the most fulfilling. If life came to you on a platter, it would not be as enjoyable.

    With pain comes learning and experience.

    For those folks to whom GC and citizenship comes with low hardship, life will get them in some other way. This is the truth of nature.

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  • logiclife
    11-21 11:47 AM

    I have a unique position. couple of weeks back I was told that have fatal cancer and won't live pass 4-6 months. After recovering from initial shock I am wondering if my wife will be able to continue her american dream or she will have to head home after me.

    I have filed 485 with approved 140 back in june, 2007 with PD of March, 2003

    Please help.


    Sorry to hear about this Mehul. Wish you a speedy recovery.

    Please keep in mind that the US healthcare system is for-profit. That means that there are too many bureaucratic, legal and business reasons for either treating or not treating the patient. There might be cures or procedures or therapies out there, that your doctor or hospital is not interested in because its not covered by your insurance as it is labelled as "Experimental".

    Insurance companies are like maggots. They love premiums but when it comes to claims, they try to swipe as many cures and procedures as possible under the rug of "Experimental treatment" so that they dont have to pay.

    I would suggest that you do all you can to seek immigration advise but please consider going to India for a month and getting a second opinion from Apollo or AIIMS or such high-quality Hospitals.

    I would not trust the for-profit, suck-all-blood-dry, deny-care and inhumane healthcare system of this country where the care-givers and the insurance companies are in collusion with each other to maximize profits and do whatever it takes to maximize profits even when it means that some people die and others go bankrupt even after paying insurance.

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  • TheOmbudsman
    10-25 10:51 AM

    If the Dems win control of the Senate, I expect no major changes for us. The amnesty bills are already passed easily in the Senate as is anyway. That doesn't change anything for us there.

    In the House, this will be a close race. Even if Dems barely win in the House, what is less likely, then they may well find themselves struggling again to get major votes for the amnesty bills. Remember that the amnesty bills got rejected in the House by large margin - and - enforcement only bills got approved there widely. Our stand alone SKULL bill - not sure whether that will be considered by Democrats. Democrats will probably address the Dream Act before they take over the SKULL bill. Let them pass Dream Act, and then we, the Employment Base applicants will be in a real dream for a long time.

    It won't be easy, folks.


    Your Friendly Ombudsman bringing you a dose of daily reality.

    At least with DEMS there is close to surety of passing one Immigration Bill even if it is CIR.... With REPs, we will never see any bill the light of day... Not sure which world you live in but check out numbersusa site and you will see how they are trying to decrease the immigration - legal or illegal alike.... So while Skill will go through Senate, it will be again blocked in house like it was in Dec2005........ So bottomline is that I would rather have some bill passed and have a hope in sight than no bill and never know if one will ever get GC


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  • feedfront
    08-26 03:10 PM
    You will see a date on I-485 only if you filed I-140 & I-485 concurrently. Even my I-485 does not have any priority date.

    is this pattern (missing PD on I-485) for people who've PD current and not got greened?

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  • amitjoey
    05-23 11:37 AM
    I sent the email to senators but was disappointed not to see any SKIL provisions like MS, PHD exemptions.

    Pitha, we do not need SKIL, if we get greencard quickly. See item 3 on the list.


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  • sbanil
    09-20 10:37 PM
    Which number to call?? Do they ask all the details of lawyer as well??


    What is the phone number to call to get the status of application? My applicaiton received on July 2nd at Nebraska Center and still no receipt notice . Checks are not cashed either. Is there anyway to findout the receipt number?

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  • mbsac
    10-18 12:06 PM
    My Checks were cashed today :)


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  • indianabacklog
    11-21 03:53 PM

    I can more than understand what you are going through right now. I was diagnosed with cancer ten months after coming to the US. I am also the principal applicant and of course it was terrifying. I have no idea what your prognosis is or the type of cancer and do not need to know. However, I live in Indiana and the doctors here managed to save Lance Armstrong. He was sent here from Texas. I am now a six year survivor.

    I am now undergoing tests for a possible second cancer diagnosis seven years later and still no green card for my family. Hoping for one for my husband in the New Year. My son aged out and is on a student visa. I live each day realizing this is not a dress rehearsal and have to believe everything will be OK and I have absolutely no control over what the future holds.

    I know only too well how shell shocked you are right now but you have to have faith that things will work out how they are meant to. Adversity can have a silver lining.

    Wishing you all the best in your treatment plan. You need to concentrate on your health right now.

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  • xlr8r
    05-27 07:22 PM


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  • eb3_nepa
    08-18 02:47 PM
    What's yur damn problem if someone wants to fight INJUSTICE ??? If u don't fucking like the idea.. then back off and stop reading this post.... u dont have to lecture anyone on what's ethical and unethical... remember we are all Highly skilled here.... so we can decide that for ourselves...

    Well CLEARLY you CANNOT.

    AND STOP Cursing on this forum, it is NOT your personal property. If you are that HIGHLY skilled as you claim to be, stop behaving like an uncouth idiot.

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  • feedfront
    08-26 02:48 PM
    Do you have Pritority Date written on your I-485's notice of action? It's blank for me.


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  • sku
    11-21 03:31 PM
    Take a second opinion,
    I had similar situation with my close friend here.
    I was with him when he underwent the surgery, Once Doctor came out of surgury he told me (as I was the only one there and his family was in India) that my friend just had 6 months to live, But later found out that was treatable through chemo and radiation..This was almost 4 years ago, My friend is totally recovered and he got the GC year back and he is working in Mid-west.

    So don't lose hope in GOD.

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  • jthomas
    10-09 01:51 AM
    filled july 11th

    no receipt yet


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  • sureshtreddy
    02-09 11:03 PM
    Contribute $50
    Unique Transaction ID # 16236410Y45425302

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  • nik.patelc
    02-09 09:42 PM
    Contributing 50 dollars monthly...

    I have seen IV actively working on behalf of all us (non immigrants). but i do think we (IV) can do more if all members contribute . I have few suggestions ..
    1) if all members contriute monthly and having sufficient funds, IV can hire few lawyers to provide legal advice on inexpensive rate.. directly competeing with Murthy and others....
    I m sure all members can hire IV for legal advise.

    2) Create a community and help members who lost jobs recenlty...



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  • unitednations
    03-07 04:41 PM
    Hey UN, with your experience, are you seeing a pattern of denials, etc happening to non bodyshopper, non consultants as well? as in, is this whole DOL/USCIS crack down across the board or is it mostly restricted to desi consultants/bodyshopers?

    The situation on the ground is this:

    L-1 extensions for software related jobs are pretty much now dead. TCS, IBM, etc., are getting denied. USCIS has changed their definition of "specialized knowledge". Now, "specialized knowledge"means no on in USA has that knowledge and cannot obtain that knowledge through training.

    Staffing companies; small companies or companies who are h-1b dependent (larger comapnies) are stuck in Vermont Service Center. There are some that aren't having problems but usually it starts with one case stuck in background check; followed by a few approvals; then another one stuck in background check and then all of a sudden all cases are stuck in background check. The scrutiny uscis is giving these types of cases is tremondous and they are denying all of them. Right now; if you monitor the forums you are starting to see the denials. However, vermont service center was sticking cases in background check since fall of 2007. Now; those cases are being worked on and denied. We are just at the beginning of this.

    Traditioinal American companies; h-1b and greencard have become toxic and political. Many of them aren't filing greencards for people due to layoffs or too many poeple responding to the advertisements. I haven't seen h-1b issues with them yet. However, if they are not going to do GC then what is the point.

    Staffing companies had easiest time filing labors becuse they don't layoff people. However, after Iowa issue now they have started cancelling h-1b's for people on bench, etc. There are so many transfer requests in open market right now; but companies aren't filing because they are getting rid of their own people and it would be foolish to bring on more people in non productive status. However, when they are cancelling h-1b's and sending people back; it is a layoff and that would preclude them from filing greencards.

    I do know of one person working at FEDEX as a permanent employee (she has greencard); she told me that FEDEX has taken the detemination that they will not be filing greencards for anyone in the near future. Person can stay until duration of their h-1b but then that will be it.

    perm labors used to go through in matter of days. Anything mor then 3 weeks was considered a long time. Now; there is high rate of denials and DOL turning up the scrutiny as to layoffs and general workforce in the place of inteneded employment.


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  • manchala
    02-25 08:54 PM

    I asked most of my friends to donate amount and they are not even on this site. They have donated some. I have been following up with all of my friends. Please do the same. Ask your friends and follow up with them. Also can we have a Facebook page for this advocacy day also??

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  • buddyinsd
    08-26 01:47 PM
    Whats ur PD? U r not current in Aug right?

    No. It is a good company and are very careful with things. I have never been in consulting. One good thing they did unlike other companies is they anticipated career growth and filed GC for a higher position and I could gladly accept promotion in my career.

    05-04 07:59 PM
    Hello Sir,

    While opinions are good and welcome. My requirement is to see the exact INA language.

    I have read the INA Sec 203 multiple times, I could not find the link between ebquota and ebdependents. May be I am missing it. Can some one show the exact lines in INA ?

    Think about this "5 year old derivative kid" is counted in ebquota. How did the kid qualify for ebquota ? The law clearly says "to qualified immigrants who are aliens described in any of the following subparagraphs" and then goes on to say the exact qualification.

    Don't take me out of context. I do want the kid to get greencard, however I am against the kid being counted in ebquota.

    I am yet to get the access to ( I am a recent donor ) donor thread that refers the exact INA language. Can some other donor post the exact INA language in this thread ?


    Hello Madam,

    22 CFR 42.32 a(2),b(2),C(2) page 224

    (2) Entitlement to derivative status. Pursuant to INA 203(d), and whether or not named in the petition, the child or spouse of an employment-based first preference immigrant, if not otherwise entitled to an immigrant status and the immediate issuance of a visa, is entitled to a derivative status corresponding to the classification and priority date of the beneficiary of the petition.

    Hope this helps you sleep better at night.


    P.S: This is just to prove your attorney is wrong. Now thanks for donating and lets fight to remove the country limits and exempt dependents from the quota. Are you with us?

    09-16 06:00 PM

    We are doing this to help everyone. Especially, those whose PD is still current as per September VB, if you act with in next 5-10 days, you have a chance. if you can individually file a law suit when your PD is current.Since my guess is, the lawsuit we are working on in this thread, will take some time to shape up. But this is a Biggie, we want to create a big impact. Meanwhile, folks who are out there waiting since 2001,2002.... you can follow the links that i pasted in my previous message. People have won lawsuit very similar to the one we are talking about. I can even paste some of the I-485 lawsuits filed because of unreasonable and unnecessary delays, when PD is current.

    Here you go

    This is for the non-believers like Mr.Lord

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